
��ࡱ�>�� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������'` �r��1bjbj"9"926@s@s���������������� ����8�$ �;(22222fff�4�4�4�4�4�4�4$�<h%?: 5e��ff�� 5��224o;t4t4t4���2�2�4t4��4t4t4��t42& p�\�rd�y � � �-n���s gn*ncq�w[�k�v󗂂�s�󗂂0(w�󗂂-n �cq�w[�kn�_���[�v�w�0 fo/f� a. w[�ka 1) (w/w/t8^�s�w�[?] �ywash,what,want� 2) (wwatern͋-n �a�s��/ [?:]� 3) (wdanger strange change-n�s/ei/� 4) (wclass can't father after-n�s/a:/ b. w[�ke (w ever even eve ُ n*nus͋-n�v�s�r r:n�/e/ /i:/ /i:/0 c. w[�ki �s/i:/� policeman machine d. w[�ko �s/u/� woman��� /i/ women ����� (wm,n,v,thmr�s /� / come �son �love �does �mother ��� e. w[�ku� �s/i/ busy���� n�s� build (built) ��p�n��n-ed�~>\�vus͋�v͋>\cknx���� ������� n���t��\o/ t / .looked hoped ����� jm0cq�t��\o/ d / cleaned answered ������ t,dknt�red, ed��/ id /started decided ��p n��n-s �-es�~>\�vus͋�v͋>\cknx���� n���t��\o/s/ .maps cakes ����� jm0cq�t��\o/z / bananas dogs ������ (w/s/0/z/0/d?// "/ �knt��/ iz / classes bridges washes houses ��p�v�8^��w[�k�~t�v���� (w[�k�~ts�b:cq�w[�k�~t�t���w[�kt) ��p�n� n&{t���ĉr�v8^(u͋�v���0 1.� ͋'`�ss_w�����ss (1) tb_ � n t͋'`�vus͋����ss excuse�� n./s/� v./z/ separate� v./ei/ adj./i/ breath�� n.� /�� /�� v./ e/ record� n./e/�� v./i/ absent� adj./ ? / v./ ? / abstract� adj./ ? / v./ ? / bow� n./ ?u� /� v./au� / �2 � g�n͋�rt�e_w����v�ss nation /ei/---national/ ? /� know/ ? u/----knowledge /?/ south /sau�/----/southern / ?? s�e?n/ 2.� ͋b_�ss_w�����ss (1) �spe t͋�s ype�v����ss mouth /�/ - --mouths / ez/ house /s/---houses /ziz/ woman / ?? wum ? n/---women / ??wimin/ (2) ͋ǐ�s_-n�v����ss will----would /wud/ shall---should / "ud/ can---could /kud/ eat---ate /et,eit/ mean---meant /;ment hear---heard /h ?:d/ (3) ͋(w&t�[)�q-n�v����ss cannot---can`t /ka:nt/ shall not---shan`t / "a:nt/ will not---won`t /w?unt/ do not---don`t /d?unt/ 3 . yt͋�v����ss break/ei/---breakfast/e/ head/e/---forehead/rid/ hand / d /---handsome/ / room /u:/----classroom /u/ news /z/----newspaper /s/ 4. t�n͋�v����ss know / ?u/---knowledge /?/ nature/ei/---natural / ?/ nation /ei/----national / ?/ breath /�/---breathe / e/ bath /ba:�/---bathe /bee/ cloth /kl?�/---clothes /kl?uez/ worth /�/---worthy / ei/ real /ri?l/---reality /ri ?? ?l?ti/ political / ?/ politics /?/ say /sei/---said /sed/ handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves0 handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves0 � �n�usy� ��b�15r � ��pmq� t͋ i. �i�_ t͋/fh�:y�n,�nir,0w�pb�ba��i�_�v t�y�v͋, gn g t͋�tnf� t͋knr,؏ g�spe t͋n n�spe t͋knr. ii.�vsq�wƌ�p�|�� �1. t͋�s ype 1) �n-s,  x,  ch, -sh�~>\�r-es buses,boxes,watches,brushes (stomach-stomachs) 2 ��n���w[�k�ry�~>\�v t͋ ��sy:ni �res factories, countries �3) �n-fbfe�~>\�v t͋ ��sfbfe:nv�res ���� leaf--leaves00 life lives fo�roof,chief,gulf,serf,belief,proof, �rs handkerchief: handkerchiefs / handkerchieves0 4 � �no �~>\�v t͋ ��s ype�e� a. �rs �photo---photos00piano---pianos radio---radios00zoo---zoos� b. �res �potato--potatoes0tomato--tomatoes c. n��a�tb$n�y�e�lgw�s ��yzero---zeros / zeroes00 5) t͋ ype�v nĉr�ss a. child---children0 foot---feet0 tooth---teeth mouse---mice00man---men0 woman---women0 �la�1un*n͋�r man b woman�gb�vtb͋ �vq ypeb___n/f -men �t-women ��yan englishman �two englishmen0fogerman n/ftb͋ �ee ypeb__:ngermans���� bowman/f�y �vq ype/fthe bowmans0 b. us y tb_ ��ydeer �sheep �fish �chinese �japanese �li �jin �yuan �two li �three mu �four jini{0fod��nl^�vcq0҉0ry ��cq0�q�0�lΐi{�� g ypeb__0�y�a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters0 c. ɩso t͋ ��nuspeb__�q�s �fo�[:n ype0�o�y� people0police0cattle i{,g��1\/f ype � n��� a people �a police �a cattle �fo�s�n�a person �a policeman �a head of cattle, the english �the british �the french �the chinese �the japanese �the swiss i{ t͋ �h�:y�vl;`�y�e �\o ype(u ��ythe chinese are industries and brave.0-n�v�nl/f�r�r�rbe�v0 d. �ns�~>\ ��n:nuspe�v t͋ ��y� �maths �politics �physicsi{f[�y t͋ �n,�/f n�spe t͋ �:nuspe0 news :n n�spe t͋0 the united states � �^ɖ:nuspe0 the united nations was organized in 1945. t�t�v/f1945t^�~�^w�eg�v0 e.� �n ypeb__�q�s�vfn t �gr t ��b�~ �bg�_ t �_n�sɖ:nuspe0�o�y� the arabian nights" is a very interesting story-book. 0ncs��ny 0/fn,g^�8^ g���vee�nfn0 f.� h�:y1u$n�r�gb�vn� ��y�glasses �\�v t͋ �\o�[��e �s�oyu0�o�y� goods train �'�f� � arms produce0fkhvu�n customs papers wmsq�e�n����� clothes brush� c�7r 4 � pe͋ t͋\o�[��e �ُ*n t͋n,��oyuuspeb__0�o�y� two-dozen eggs0$nsb!�ˆ0 a ten-mile walk as�̑� two-hundred trees $n~v�hh� a five-year plan.0n*n�nt^��r 4. t͋�v\�r"'s" � ype t͋͋>\�l gs �_n���r"'s" ��ythe boy's bag 7ui[�vfns �men's room 7u�s@b0 2 � � t͋�] g ype͋>\-s ��s�r" ' " ��y�the workers' struggle0�]�n�v�e�n0 3 � �q n���r"'s"�v t͋ ����s�n(u" t͋ of� t͋"�v�~�gegh�:y@b gsq�| ��y�the title of the song lk�v tw[0 4 � (wh�:y�^��byex�v tw[b�g�n�v�[�e � t͋@b g\0�o�y�a month or two's absence ��pn��q͋ i. n�[�q͋�v(u�l n�[�q͋ ga�tan$n�yb__0a(u(w�n����h_4y�v͋mr,an(u(w�ncq��h_4y�v͋mr0 a house, a useful book an hour, an umbrella n�[�q͋�v(u�l;n�� g: 1) �lc�g�nb�gir, nwqso�fvq:nuo�nbuoir0(wl��e�s���e,,{n!k�c0r�g*n�nb�nir�e,�8^o(u n�[�q͋,dk:n �lc 0�o�y: a girl is asking for you on the phone. my mother works in a hospital. 2) (u(wuspe�spe t͋mr,h�:yn{|�nb�nir,ss�nn*n*nso�nh�te{|�nb�nir,dk:n {|c 0�o�y: a plane is faster than a train.ޘ:g�kkpf��_0 a snake is a cold-blooded animal.dž/f�q@��rir0 3) h�:y n ,fopeϑ�i�_�l gone:_�p0�o�y: they waited there for an hour.�n�n(w��i{�nn*n\�e0 rome wasn't built in a day.wl�^�n)y���^b0(ss:�q�q n:\^�n�ekn�[0) �yyr r:_�peϑ,�^o(uone0�o�y: i have only one dictionary and i need it myself. 4) (u(wh�:y�e��0��^0�nm�v t͋mr0 00the chinese communist party, the working class the proletariat �e�n6��~ d$08^(u�n t gnf� t͋bb_�[͋�vn g t͋mr0 00a. (u�n��y_lwm �q\ � ���\i{ t͋mr� 000 the yellow river the east sea the himalayas the pacific ocean 00b. (u�n1unf� t͋�gb�v�v t� 000 the people s republic of china the united states 00c. (u�n:gsq0�vso0g�n0�e�n0�b rbg�_i{ t͋mr� 000the united nations the state council the tang dynasty the people s daily 00� the summer palace the peace hotel the british museum e$0(u�nh�:y�emo�v t͋mr0 00the east the southwest the middle the far east on the left f$0(u�npnhv t͋mr �foil��b�vpnhvmr n(u�q͋0 00play the piano play the violin0 play erhu g$0(u�n ype�v�ylmr �h�:y$n y�ybhq�[ �(wdk�`�q n �ُ{| t͋\o ype�[�_0 00the smiths watch tv every day. h$0(u�n�g�nb_�[͋bǐ�sr͋mr �h�:yn{|�nb�nir0 00the poor the rich the living the young 0the wounded the oppressed the beautiful i$0(u(wb_�[͋�vgؚ�~mrb�^pe͋mr0 00shanghai is the biggest city in china. 00after the game, the first thing they wanted to do was to take a hot bath. iii���q͋(u�l `$0h�:y�gn{|�nb�nir�v ype t͋mr � n(u�q͋0 00now people are living a happy life. trees are planted everywhere. a$0 n tnf� t͋�vn g t͋ �h�:y�lc�vir(� t͋�t�ba� t͋mr � n(u�q͋0 00we are studying english. he is leaving for america this year. it is pleasant to walk in soft snow. love is always stronger than hatred. b$0 t͋mr gc:y�n͋0ir;n�n͋0 n�[�n͋b t͋@b ge�n�s���e eg. only then ______ how much damage had been caused. �� a. she realized�����b. she had realized �� c. had she realized����d. did she realized key: d b.�&t�[or͋never,nor,not,hardly,little,seldom,rarelyi{n�n�s���e eg. little _____ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business. ��� a. he realized��������� b. he didn t realize � c. didn t he realize��d. did he realize key: d c.��q*n͑���s�w� so be/�``/�r �r͋ ;n� neither be/�``/�r�r͋ ;n� so adj/adv & that & neither & , nor & not only & , but also & not until & eg. if joe s wife won t go to the party, ___________. �� a. he will either����b. neither will he �� c. he neither will����d. either he will key: b 3.�b__pň as _�[��ek�r��n�s ��_{��b@b:_��v�oo`>e(w�s�� eg.� _______, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. a. strange as might it sound��b. as it might sound strange c. as strange it might sound��d. strange as it might sound key: d ��pasn�:_��s 1.:_��s�w it is/was ��:_��r that �sp[vq�nbr a.�:_��s�s:nn,��u��sbyr�k�u��s b.�not& until�v:_��s�w eg. it ______ we had stayed together for a couple of days _____ i found we had a lot in common. �� a. was until; when����b. was until; that �� c. wasn t unitl; when���d. wasn t until; that key: d c.�:_��s-n t g�[��n�sbvq�n�n�s eg.� it is not who is right but what is right ______ is of importance. a. which���b. it���c. that���d. this key: c d.�:_��s-n:_��e��ň�r틌t it is �e�� when�[��n�si{�s_�v:sr 2���틨r͋�v:_� :_���(u do/does/did 0 ��pas�n�weu�s 1.� n�[_�vweu a.�weu�r͋ n�[_t�v�r͋ ��oyuto08^(wexpect, forget, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, seem, try, wanti{tb� b.�(w have, need, ought, be going , usedi{�vtb� c.�&t�[b__�vweu(unot to d.��y�g n�[_-n t g be, have, have been, �8^�oyube, have, have been 2.��r��n�s-n�vweu a.�s_�r��n�s�v;n틌t;n�s�v;n�n��e ��s�nweu�r��n�s-n�v;n틌tbe b.�s_�n�s�v;n�/fit ��틨r͋-n t gbe�e ��s�nweuit�tbe c.�(uso �tnot�n�f n�e�q�[ ��pas n��n ͋ �n͋/fh�:y�[tb��v t͋0�n͋0�w�0�n�si{n�sp[vq�nbr�vsq�|�v͋0(w�sp[-n�[ n��us�ro(u ��s��1u t͋0�n͋0pe͋0�r t͋i{�gb�v�n͋�w�\o�sp[�vbr0�n͋r:n�{us�n͋0 yt�n͋0�s͑�n͋0�w��n͋�tr͋�n͋�n�y{|�w0ؚ��n͋;n����g�p�y n� 108^���n͋�v(u�l0 20�n͋�v�v�[-dm�� 1 ��n͋nvqt�v t͋b�n͋�gb�n͋�w� �(w�s-n\o�r�0�[�0h��0�[e��tn�[�0 � 2 ��n͋nvqmrb��v�r͋bb_�[͋�gb�r͋͋�~ �tb��� g�[�0ُ�e�v͋�~�vs_�nn*n�sir�r͋0 30g8^��h�:y�e��00w�pn�e_�n͋�v(u�l0 40�g�na`�k���vя�v�n͋(u�l���g0 50 tn�n͋�sh���y�yain � tn:wtain n tr�n͋ n t�� 60 yt�n͋�s�s͑�n͋�vo(u ㉘�v{eu� �% br���v�[�v�n͋͋�~ �%cknx�b�c͑���n͋�v(u�l �% ���gain�vя�v�n͋ 0���p�p�b0 y`n�e���b�c n�p� a. ���lat��`ofain� tn�n͋�sh���y�yain � tn:wtain n tr�n͋ n t0 he hasn t come for a month. (for c�~�e��) the day is warm for april .�for 1\& & �� � b. ���z4x�q*nsq.��n͋in , on , at , with , by , from , of , to , for . 1 . h�:y�e���v�at; in ; on , since , from , to , after , within , during , throughout , towards , over , by , till ; 2 . h�:yz���v:through , across , over 3�h�:y0wtmon�v�in ; on; to ; 4� h�:y�s�v0�v�v�v�for ;with ; from ; 5. h�:ysq�n�v:about , concerning , regarding , with regard to , as for ,as to ; 6. h�:y9hnc�on ; according to ; 7.� in the corner ;on the corner , at the corner �v:s r 8�between �tamong 9�besides ;except ; but ;except for 10�in �twith c. ���la�n͋-dm� �ɩ-nr_�~ ��s y�~`n0 1. �v�[nto �gb-dm��v t͋�key , answer , visit , apology , introduction ,note , etc. 2. non gsq�v�mercy , congratulations 3. nat gsq�v�angry , good , bad , clever , terrified , surprised ; 4. nof gsq�v�afraid , sure , full , tired , fond , proud , worthy , certain ; 5. nwith gsq�v�angry , strict , careful , busy , poplar ; 6. nto gsq�v�next, good , polite , kind , cruel , rude , known , anxious , married , close , near , similar, due ; 7. nfor gsq�v�sorry , good , free , fit , unfit , eager, anxious , hungry ; 8. nfrom gsq�v�far , different , free, safe , absent , tired . �q�~�n͋�v:s r� n0 h�:y0w�p�e at, in, on �v:s r �& at h�:y(w��\�v0w�e(qg�^, \�wg�,�lr); (w�gir�e( nnx�[�v0w�e) �& in h�:y(w��'y�v0w�e(�v�[,�w^); (w�gir��v�q.(0w�p�v�crz��^/f1u\0r'y). �& on h�:y(w�gir n(h�b��c�); road mr(uon, streetmr(uin/on; |ib\(uon; farmmr(uon, fieldmr(uin. �n0 h�:y�e���e at, in, on�v:s r & ath�:y�e���p((w�q�p,-nhs;hsy;y̑;�g�egbn�k�e���v_4yb�~>\)(at sunrise; at the weekend; at christmas) & on h�:y(wyr�[�v�gn)yb�g)y�v nhs, nhs,zf ni{ & in h�:yn�k�e��.t�cg,t^,c[i{h�n�k�e���v t͋. n0 h�c�~�e���vsince, for, in, after�v:s r & since �cǐ�s�v�g�e���p, 8^(u�n�[b�e. & for �cn�kwqso�v�e��, 8^(u�n�[b�e. & in n�k�e��n^��^�~'`�r͋ޏ(u,h�n�k�e���nt,y(u�n\eg�e; n�^�~'`�r͋ޏ(u,h�n�k�e���q,�e` np�. & after n�k�e��,8^(u�nǐ�s�e. �v0 h��emo�v�n͋in, on, to, off�v:s r & in h�:y(w�x�q. & on h�:y�v��b(w��lu n, n(w�x�q. & to h�:y(w�xy, n�c�x. & off h�:y(wwmb� n`�яwm�\�v0w�e. �n0 h�:yџ�r�etb�v�v�v�n͋ & across h�:yzǐirsoh�b�,b*jǐ. & through h�:y(w�gnzz���ǐ,b�~tzǐ. & along h�:y�l@wnag�~s^l�. & up h�:yt n,1uws0rs,1un0r�,1u�lwm0r�qf�,1u\0w�e0r'y0w�e,1u�qqg0r�w^. �sknr(udown. & to h�:y�r\o�v�v�v0w; towardscgt,�e0r���va`; forh�:ymr�_�v�v�v,ޏ(u�v�r͋ gleave, start off, set out, head, sail i{. mq0 h�:yd�---- kny�v�n͋ & besides h�:ys t, d� --- kny؏ g--- & except h�:y�cd�, d� ---- kny & but h�:y�cd�, ynnobody, none, no one, nothing, anything, everyone, all, who i{ޏ(u. & except for h�:yd��steso-n�v�r,  �s/f, �s nǐ � n0 �n͋ among �t between �v:s r & among h�:y n*nb�n n�v�nbirkn��,t�c ype t͋bɩso t͋. & between (u�n$n�kn��, b n*n�n n�v$n$nkn��(wqso�v t͋�]�~r�q) kq0 h�:y�ne(w t͋mrb�0 1 ��v�c�f�nir�v'`(�byr�_�vb_�[͋/f'`(�b_�[͋ ��[ g�~�v�ss ��s�n(u z�^or͋�op� �(w�s-n�s\o�[�0h�틌te��0 2 ��s��b_�[͋�s��\oh�� �@b�n�s�y:nh��b_�[͋0ُ{|b_�[͋�l g�~�v�ss �_n n�s(u z�^or͋�op�0'yype�na_4y�vb_�[͋��^\�nُn{|0 ُ{|͋؏ g� well �unwell �ill �faint �afraid �alike �alive �alone �asleep �awake i{0 3 �b_�[͋\o�[��op� t͋�e ���>e(w t͋�vmr��0fo/f�y�gb_�[͋�op��n-thing:nw[>\�v͋��e ���>e(wُ�n͋knt0�o�y�something nice. 2. �n-ly�~>\�vb_�[͋ 1 � 'y�rb_�[͋�r-ly�s�gbor͋0fo friendly �deadly �lovely �lonely �likely �lively �ugly �brotherly ��n:nb_�[͋0 2 � g�n�n-ly �~>\�e:nb_�[͋ �_n:nor͋ ��ydaily �weekly �monthly �yearly �earlyi{0 3. (ub_�[͋h�:y{| r�tteso 1 � �g�nb_�[͋�r n�[�q͋�s�n�lcn{|�n �n�틨r͋�v ypeޏ�c ��ythe dead �the living �the rich �the poor �the blind �the hungryi{0 2 � gsq�v�[�tl�e�vb_�[͋�r n�[�q͋cُ*nl�e�vteso �n�r͋�v ypeޏ(u ��ythe british �the english �the french �the chinesei{0 4. y*nb_�[͋�op� t͋�vz��^ y*nb_�[͋�op� t͋�e �p��[͋ peϑ͋��^pe͋(wmr ��wpe͋(wt � '`�rb_�[͋ 'y\0��w0ؚnoi{b_so �e�e ��r� �vm| pg�e t͋ ��ythose three beautiful large square old brown wood table0 nb��v�s���s.^`o��ooُnhqtz��^ �_n/f㉘��vsq.�0 00p��[�c�~'y�ؚ � 00b_�rt^���t�e�� 00��r��vm|ߍpg�e � 00\o(u{| r�_t`�� vq-n � p��[͋ s�b��q͋0ir;n�n͋0c:y�n͋0bpe͋ ��[mo�nt{|b_�[͋mr0�[,g��r:n nmo �ss�mr0-n0t0mrmop��[͋ gall0half0both0rpe�t ppe�-nmop��[͋ g�q͋0c:y�n͋0ir;n�n͋i{�tmop��[͋ g�wpe͋�t�^pe͋ �fo�^pe͋mo�n�wpe͋mr0�y:both my hands0all half his incomei{0 �c�~ '`b_�[͋�y�beautiful0bad0cold0greati{0 'y�ؚ h�:y'y\0��w0ؚnoi{n�n͋0h�:y b_�r �v͋�y�round squarei{0 �vm| cn*n�v�[b0w:s�v͋0 pg�e �v͋�y�wooden, woolen, stone, silki{0 \o(u{| r �v͋�y�medical, college �writing desk �police cari{0 ؏ gn�sg�{us�v�s���f�[f�����p�‰b_��r��vpg * or͋�svq�w,g(u�l or͋;n��(ueg�op��r͋ �b_�[͋ �or͋bvq�n�~�g0 n0or͋�vmon 1 � (w�r͋knmr0 2 � (wbe�r͋0�r�r͋knt00 3 � y*n�r�r͋�e �or͋n,�>e(w,{n*n�r�r͋t0 �la� a. 'yype�e_or͋mo�n�s>\ �fo�[�ǐ� �or͋�s�n�cmr ��no�sp[s^a�0 b. �e_or͋well �badly �hardi{�s>e(w�s>\0 �n0or͋�v�crz��^� 1 � �e�� �0w�por͋ �\usmo�v(wmr �'yusmo(wt0 2 � �e_or͋ ��w�v(wmr ���v(wt �v^(uandbbuti{ޏ͋ޏ�c0 3 � y*n n tor͋�cr� z�^ 0w�p �e_ �e��or͋0 �la�or͋very �s�n�op�b_�[͋ �fo n���op��r͋0 �la�or͋enough��>e(wb_�[͋�vtb� �b_�[͋enough>e(w t͋mrt���s0 n0|q g$n�yb__�vor͋ 1 � closenclosely 0� closea`/f"я"�closely a`/f"�n�~0w"0 2 � late nlately 00latea`/f"zf"�lately a`/f"gя"0 3 � deepndeeply 0� deepa`/f"�m" �h�:yzz���m�^�deeply�e8^h�:ya�` n�v�m�^ �"�m�m0w"0 4 � highnhighly 00highh�:yzz��ؚ�^�highlyh�:y z�^ ��vs_�nmuch0 5 � widenwidely 00wideh�:yzz���[�^�widelya`/f"^�l0w" �"(w��y0w�e"0 6 � freenfreely 00free�va`/f"mq9�"�freely �va`/f"�ep�6r0w"0 * b_�[͋nor͋�v�k���~� 'yypeb_�[͋�'`(�b_�[͋ ��tor͋ g�k���~�tgؚ�~�v�ss �ss�s�~0�k���~�tgؚ�~ �(uegh�:y�nir�vi{�~�] r0�s�~ssb_�[͋�v�sb_ ��k���~�tgؚ�~ gĉr�ss�t nĉr�ss$n�y0 1 � ĉr�ss 0 us󗂂͋�t\pe�s󗂂͋ ��r͋>\-er �-esteg�gb�k���~�tgؚ�~0 �gb�l��s�~��k���~�gؚ�~ n,�us󗂂͋ g>\�r-er,-est�tall�taller�tallest �n n�s�ve�~>\�vus�͋�t\pe�n- le�~>\�v�s󗂂͋�s�r-r,-st�nice�nicer�nicest �nn*n���w[�k�~>\�v�󗂂us󗂂͋ ��s�q�~>\�v���w[�k ��q�r-er,-est�big�bigger�biggest "�n���w[�k y"�~>\�v�s󗂂͋ �9ey:ni ��q�r-er �-est000�busy�busier�busiest \pe�n-er,-ow�~>\�v�s󗂂͋*g>\�r-er,-est�clever/narrow�cleverer/ narrower�cleverest/ narrowest vq�n�s󗂂͋�ty󗂂͋ �(wmrb��rmore �mosteg�gb�k���~�tgؚ�~�important/ easily�more important/ more easily�most important/ most easily �2 � nĉr�ss �s�~��k���~�gؚ�~ good�better�best well�ep�^�v ��worse�worst bad�� ill� g�u�v ��� old�older/elder�oldest/eldest much/many�more�most little�less�least far �farther/further�farthest/furthest * n�n�v�[�~�g�v(u�l 1�as b_�[͋bor͋�s�~ as 1 �(w&t�[�sb�u��s-n�s(uso& as0 2 �s_as& as -n�� g t͋�eǒ(u�n ne(was�vmrb�0 4 � ppe as adj. as0<=> ppe the & of0�o�y� this bridge is three times as long as that one. ُ�^eh�v��^/f���^�v n p0 this bridge is three times the length of that one. your room is twice as large as mine. `o�v?b��/fb�v$n p'y0 your room is twice the size of mine. 2��k���~b_�[͋bor͋ than 0 �la� 1 ����mq͑ yo(u�k���~0 2 ����mq\;n� t(w�k���[a�-n0 3 ����la�[�^�s�w �u��_mrtn�v�sr0 4 ����la�[�q͋(w�k���~-n�vo(u0 3� �s�op��k���~�v͋ 1 �a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, eveni{0 2 �؏�s�n(uh�:y ppe�v͋b�^ϑ t͋\o�op��0 3 ��n n͋�d�by far �y ��_{�n�n�k���~b_�[͋bor͋�vmrb�0 4. many, old �t far 1 � �y�gt�c t͋�e �much more n�spe t͋ �many more �spe t͋ ype0000 2 � old g$n�y�k���~�tgؚ�~b__: older/oldest �telder/eldest0elder �eldest �s(u�ndq_�y�y�v�|^sq�|0 3 � far g$n�y�k���~ �farther �further0n,�father h�:yݍ�y �furtherh�:yۏnek0 5� the gؚ�~ �k����v 1 �b_�[͋gؚ�~mr�8^�_{�(u�[�q͋ the �or͋gؚ�~mr�s n(u0 b_�[͋mostmrb��l gthe � nh�:ygؚ�~�v tin ��sh�:y"^�8^"0 �la�o(ugؚ�~���la\;n�s�b(w�k����v�q0 2 �(w�k���~mr�s�no(umuch,(a)little, a lot, far, even, still, any, a great deal, ratheri{or͋h�:y�k���v z�^,many,(a)few�s��(u(wh�:ypeϑ�k���vmoremr0 �sy,(wtoo, very, quite, so, ratheri{t�^(u�s�~0�o�y: nr͋�s�op�gؚ�~ �by far, far, much, mostly, almost0 �la� a. very�s�op�gؚ�~ �fomonnmuch n t0 b. �^pe͋�8^�s�op�gؚ�~0 3 � gؚ�~�vain g�e�s�n(u�k���~h�:y�qeg0 4 � "&t�[͋� �k���~" �"&t�[͋� so& as"�~�g_n�s�nh�:ygؚ�~ tin0 6. �tmore gsq�v͋�~ � 1 � the more& the more& 0��& & 1\��& & 0 2 � more b than a=less a than b��� nvq�a n�y�b0 3 � no more& than& n& & n7h& & � n�k& & y0 00no less& than& 0n& & n7h& & 0 4 � more than0 n�s/f �^�8^0 7�.the b_�[͋/or͋�k���~ of the two  $n*n-n�f& & �v��n*n 0 8�gؚ�~th�:y�k����v�v�n͋o(u0�o�y: han meimei is the youngest ______ all the students. a. in��� b. than��� c. of���� d. over (wgؚ�~t�8^o(un*ninbof_�[�v�n͋�w�egh�:y�k���v��v0inh�:y(wn�[:w@b0��v�qۏl��k��,ofrh�:yn t{|�[a�ۏl��k��,ee勘� �c0 ��pas�n��r͋�e`�`��p�v�p 10�r͋�e`��g���p�{�� �1 �n,��s(w�e��pr�g `$h�:y�[‰�n�[bnf�wt� n�s�e`p�6r � the geography teacher told us the earth moves around the sun. water boils at 100oc. a$h�:y�s�r0'`(�0�r`�ey(u�|�r͋b�r`�r͋�h�:y�~8^b`n�`'`�v�r\o �y(u�r\o�r͋ �n8^nh����s�v�e���r�ޏ(u0 ice feels cold. we always care for each other and help each other. b$h�:y�wɉ0`�^0a�`0�g�y�ba��vsq�|b�i�_�v͋8^(un,��s(w�e�see0hear0smell0taste0feel0notice0agree0believe0like0hate0want0think0belong seemi{0�y� i know what you mean. smith owns a car and a house. all the students here belong to no.1 middle school. c$(w�e��0ag�n�r��n�s-n8^(un,��s(w�e�n�f\eg�e0fo���la1uif _�[�vag�n�r��n�s-n�s�n(ushallbwillh� a?a �fo nh�:y�e`0 if you will accept my invitation and come to our party, my family will be pleased.�y�g`o?aa�c�sv^�s�rb�n�v�o �b�v�[�no^�8^ؚtq0 d$\pe(u�nh�:yw�bk�v�r͋�ycome0go0leave0arrive0fly0return0start0begin0pen0close0end0stopi{8^(un,��s(w�e�n�f\eg�e �h�:yn*n cĉ�[0��rb�[�c���su�v�r\o0s_beh�:y9hnc�e��b�nhq�[�c ����[o�q�s�v�r` ��s(un,��s(w�e0 the shop closes at 11:00 p.m. every day. tomorrow is wednesday. �2 �n,�ǐ�s�e�v��pr�g��8h͑�p �0 `$n,�ǐ�s�e�v�w,g(u�l�h�:yǐ�s�v�n�`0�r\ob�r`8^nh�:yǐ�swqso�v�e���r�ޏ(u�b g n n�e틃x�f:y ��(u�nh���ǐ�s�v`n�`�h�:y�݋�n�seg�l g�e0r0�`0rb ^g�v�n�8^(uǐ�s_0�y� i met her in the street yesterday. i once saw the famous star here. they never drank wine. i thought the film would be interesting,but it isn t. a$�y�g�n�s-n gn*nǐ�s�v�e���r� �=\�{�n�s-n�v�r\ohq�n;n�s�su �fo�n�s-n�v�틨r͋ޏ(uǐ�s_0�y� he told me he read an interesting novel last night. b$h�:y$n*n'}�c@w�su�v�r\o �8^1u�n n͋�ޏ�c �(un,�ǐ�s�e0�y�but, and, when, as soon as, immediately, the moment, the minute0 the moment she came in, she told me what had happened to her. he bought a watch but lost it. c$8^(un,�ǐ�s�e�v�s�w� why didn t you / i think of that? i didn t notice it. i forgot to tell you i had been there with my brother before. i didn t recognize him. �3 �n,�\eg�e��pr�g0 `$h�:y*geg�v�r\ob�r`8^(uwill / shall �r͋�8^nh�:y\eg�v�e���r틹�(u�ytomorrow0next weeki{ �0 a$h�:yn�y��tb`n�`�r\o0 we ll die without air or water. b$h�:y��tl�:n�v�r͋�ycome0go0start0begin0leavei{͋8^(uۏl��e�vb__h�:y\eg�e0 c$be going tonwill / shall, be to do, be about to do(u�l�s:s r� be going to h�:y�s(wsb�{(wgяb\eg��zp�g�n �ُ�ysb�{�_�_�~ǐ�nhq�q� �u��]zp�n�g�y�qy�shall / will doh�:y*g�nhq�q�ǐ �ss�݋�e4n�e\o�q�v�q�[0 be going to h�\eg � n��(u(wag�n�r��n�s�v;n�s-n� �willr�� �h�a?a0�y� if it is fine, we ll go fishing.(cknx) if it is fine, we are going to go fishing.(��) be to do sth.h� c��r0�[�css\�su�v�r\o �؏�sh�:y)t�t0}t�n0�ybk ��s��'`i{0 a meeting is to be held at 3:00 o clock this afternoon. be about to do sth.h�:y ss�s �1\�� �tb� n���c�e���r�b�r��n�s0 autumn harvest is about to start. �4 ��s(wۏl��e��pr�g0 `$h�:y�݋�eck(w�su@w�vn*n�r\o�h�:y�s6��kfo nn�[/f�su(w��݋�e�h�яgyr�[�v�[�cb��r�go0comei{w�bk�r\o�s(uۏl��e�n�f\eg�e0�y� it is raining now. he is teaching english and learning chinese. i am meeting mr. wang tonight. we are leaving on friday. at six i am bathing the baby.(i start bathing the bady before six.) the girl is always talking loud in public.(nalways0ofteni{���^or͋ޏ(u �h��~8^�s y�vl��rb�g�ya�`r�i_) a$ nb��v{|�r͋ n�[(u�s(wۏl��e0�a �h�:y�_t�r`0�`a�v�r\o�like, love, hate, care, remember, believe, want, mind, wish, agree, mean, need0�b �h�x[(w�v�r`�v�r͋�appear, exist, lie, remain, seem belong to, depend on0�c �h�:yn�e'`�r\o�v�r͋�allow, accept, permit, promise, admit, complete0�d �h�:ya�[�v�r͋�see, hear, notice, feel, smell, sound, taste, look0 �5 �ǐ�s�[b�e��pr�g��8h͑�p �0 `$8^(uǐ�s�[b�e�v�q�y�`�q��a �(wby0by the end0by the time0until0before0sincet�ch�:yǐ�s�gn�e���v�w�b�n�s�nmr�su�v�r\o0�y�by the end of last year, we had produced 20,000 cars. the train had left before we reached the station. (b)h�:y�f�[�s�v ^g0sb�{0a�v0���i{08^(uhad hoped / planned / meant / intended/ though / wanted / expectedi{b(u n���r͋ǐ�s_�c n�[_�[b_h�:yss�hoped / planned & to have done0�c � �e�� t͋ before (w�sp[-n\o�r� ��틨r͋(uǐ�s�[b�e� �e�� t͋ ago (w�s-n\o�r� ��틨r͋(un,�ǐ�s_0�y�he said his first teacher had died at least 10 years before. xiao hua left school 3 years ago.�d �h�:y n& & 1\ �v�q*n�s�w�hardly / no sooner / scarcely had ;n� ǐ�sr͋ when / than / before n,�ǐ�s�e0�y�we had no sooner been seated than the bus started. = no sooner had we been seated than the bus started. a$(wbeforebafter_�[�v�e���r��n�s-n(un,�ǐ�s�e`�n�fǐ�s�[b�e0 after he (had)left the room, the boss came in. we arrived home before it snowed. �6 �ǐ�s\eg�e��pr�g0 �sgqn,�\eg�e�[�k�(uwould do0was / were going to do sth.h�ǐ�s\eg�come0go0leavei{ǐ�sۏl��eh�ǐ�s\eg�e�was / were to do sth.�twas / were about to do sth.h�ǐ�s\eg0 �7 �ǐ�sۏl��e��pr�g0 `$ǐ�s�gn�e;rck(wۏl��v�r\ob�gn6��k�q�sub��a~�su0 a$�gn�r\o�su�e�sn�r\ock(w�su �vq-nn*n(w1uwhenbwhile_�[�v�e���r��n�s-n0 �8 ��s(w�[b�e��pr�g0 `$�s(w�[b�ed��s�n�tfor0since_�[�v�r�ޏ(uy �؏�s�n�t nb��v�n͋�w�ޏ(u�during / in /over the last(past)few years (months, weeks)0in recent yearsi{0 a$ nr�s�w-n8^(u�s(w�[b�e it is (has been) n�k�e�� since�n�s this(that / it)is the first(second& )time that �[b�e this(that / it)is the only & that �[b�e this(that / it)is the best / finest / most interesting & that �n�s �[b�e b$(w�e��bag�n�r��n�s-n ��s(w�[b�e�s�n�n�fn,�\eg�e0�y� i shall post the letter as soon as i have written it. if you have done the experiment, you will realize the theory better. don t get off the bus until it has stopped. �9 ��la�q�~�e`�v:s r� `$n,�ǐ�s�en�s(w�[b�e��e�� n g�]_��q gǐ�s�e���vgw(uǐ�s�e` � n��(u�[b�e` ��y t gago0last year0just now0the other dayi{0 �~�g n g�]_��s(w�[b�e:_��v/f�[ �s(w �vq_�t�t�~�g ��r\o0r�s(wr�[bb؏(w�~�~�n,�ǐ�s�e:_��v/f�r\o�su(w ǐ�s ��t�s(w�k�esq�|0 a$ǐ�s�[b�enn,�ǐ�s�e�ǐ�s�[b�e:_��v/f ǐ�s�vǐ�s ��y�q�s tn;n�ޏ�~�q*n�r\o� ޏ� �b__r�s(un,�ǐ�s�ess�s0 20���r�`��g���p�{�� ���r�`�v�gb�e_�be ǐ�sr͋ ��s��s_n g(uget / become ǐ�sr͋h�:y0���r�`�v�w,g(u�l� n�ws�b�l�_���c0r�r\o�vgbl��/f��e(u���r�`0:_�b�z�q�r\o�vb�s�8^(u���r�`�by�w� g�e�s�nweu �0 �1 �o(u���r�`�e�^�la�v�q*n�0 `$;n�r�ss���r�e�s�[틄v�ss0 w nr�o�s0 my friend gave me an interesting book on my birthday. an interesting book was given to me(by my friend)on my birthday. i was given an interesting book (by my friend)on my birthday. a$;n�r�s���r�e ��[e�b;ne��mon n�s ���\oe�틄v � n�[_mr��rto0 the boss made him work all day long. he was made to work all day long(by the boss) b$�w틨r͋�s���r�`�e ��r���c >\�] 0 the children were taken good care of (by her). your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to. c$�``�r͋�tbe going to0be to0be sure to0used to0have to0had betteri{�~�g�s���r�` ��s�\�[�ntb��v�r͋�sb_�s:nbe ǐ�sr͋0 d$s_�sp[�v��:nsay0believe0expect0think0know0write0consider0reporti{�e ����r�` g$n�yb__��a ��틨r͋(u���r�` ��r͋ n�[_\o;ne�0�b �(uit\ob__;n� �wck�v;n�(wtb�(u;n�(wtb�(u;n��n�segh�:y0�y� people say he is a smart boy. it is said that he is a smart boy. he is said to be a smart boy. people know paper was made in china first. it is known that paper was made in china first. paper was known to be made in china first. {|n�r the students are going to get up a concert on may day. have got=have g have got to=have to n�_ n 8.give vt. �~who is going to give the talk? he was given a good beating last night. `n� give& away�l2�0��c0rm� give& backr_؏0�b y give...forth�s�q��sh� give inh\ g0��ek give& in�n n give in to sb./ sth.h\ g�n��[& ��ek give& off>e�q0�s�q�iq0�p0lsti{ � give oneself up to doing sth. .s���n0n�_�n give up>e_0�bm� give& up\pbk0b�c give way to sb.��ek���mo�n as winter gave way to spring, days were getting longer. given thatgp�[��]�w give sb. a hand.^�g�n�_ give rise to�[� 9.go a. vi. p� he has gone back home a newspaper. pride goes before a fall. b. link v. he went hungry for a week. his face went pale when he heard the news. this guy went wild/ crazy/ mad after the loss of his wife. don't ever eat the bread. it has gone bad. c.`n� go after& ���l�_0r���bl go alongtmr�su\ we'll learn as we go along. go back on one's word/ promise1y�o go back to& ���n0r this custom goes back to roman times. go beyond& ��ǐ go down n=���q1_ go up�x���cؚ go into& xvz��n�n go offr�p��5u04li{ �\p�c go ahead�~�~ۏl���szp't go all outhq�r�nt� go and do sth.= go to do sth. go down on one's knees� n go in for�u1r��n�n go on�su�c�~ go on to do sth.�c@wzp��sn�n�n�` � go on doing sth.�~�~zp� tn�n�n�` � go on with sth. .�~�~zp� tn�n�n�` ��s�n g���� � go out�qmp�ǐ�e go over sth.omȉ� y`n��[� go through& �~�s��h�g� go shopping/ fishing/ skiing/ skating/ begging/ boating/ swimming/ fox hunting/ sightseeing/ mountain climbing go from bad to worse�k�qa n go from door to door be gone"n�n�p��n�n�s n yԏ gone are the days when we studied together happily. have a goջn n go out of one's way to do sth. n�����r�szp& & . go to hell��<��s't go to sleepaw@w go through with& .�b& & .ۏl�0r�^ go well with& n& & �vm�/os� go without& nt/(u& & ǐ�ep[ sometimes they went for days without washing their faces. 10.have �s�w1 have sb./ sth. do sth. let's have them stand facing the wall. �s�w2 have sb./ sth. doing we had the fire burning all night. i won't have you talking to your dad like that! �s�w3 have sb./ sth. done i will have my radio fixed. he had his wallet stolen. �s�w4 have sth. to do i have a letter to write. �s�w5 have to do sth. i have to get up early every day. `n� n�r͋ tl��v t͋ޏ(u �h�:y�r\o�have a talk with& have a look/ glance/ glimpse at have a meeting/ discussion/ operation/ haircut have an english lesson have a swim/ wash/ rest/ try/ smoke/ taste/ dream/ walk have a cold/ cough/ headache/ pain have lunch/ some beer have a good/pleasant/ tough/ bad/ hard/ difficult terrible time they had a hard time solving the problem. have fun have a word/a few words with sb. have words with sb. have something/ nothing/ a lot to do with� have sth. on had better (not) do sth. have something with sb.����:d&^ have a baby have a test/ talk/ speech/ lecture/ chat have had enough of�s&p have sth. back���v have one's own way cgq��]�va`�r�bl�b } have sth. to oneself�[hq1u��]o(u you can have the house entirely to yourself. 11.hold a. vt.�b@w��c@w holding my hand, he tried to calmed me down. hold the line, please. �[�~ how much water can the tank hold? �b g�`s ghe held the position for years. >nl�chinese film weeks will be held in other places. b.`n� hold& back;��x��_oo��oyu hold& down �c6r� g��s hold& forth�c�q� hold& in memory ��oo hold onzwc n�s��5u݋ � rc hold on to& �boo n>e hold outzwc0r�^��~c�8o�q we must hold out, and the enemy will give up. they were ready to hold out a friendly hand. hold to sth.'}'}�boo�zwc�~0s��0 w�li{ � hold& togethert(w�nw� ���v�~�(wnw� � hold& up>nw��=�d�=�� the storm held us up, so we were late for the meeting. their wages were help up or reduced for no reason. 12.keep a. vt. (1)�oyu i'll keep a seat for you. (2){q;m�r�{q he has a large family to keep. he keeps some chicken. (3)o& & y(w& & �r` sorry to have kept you waiting. let's keep the door open but keep the windows closed. you must keep us well informed mr. xue always keeps us busy. close the door to keep the cold out. let's keep the room in order. b. link v. �oc we must keep fit.=we must keep in good health. keep calm in time of danger. c.`n� keep a record of{v�����u_ keep a secret�o�[ keep watch�la��c2� keep one's promise/worde\l���� keep the law/ruleu��[�l�_/�lĉ keep& apartor�y keep away n�cя��_ keep& backcb n�;�bk�yu n��_oo�e keep & in mind��oo keep doing sth. �~�~zp� n�e0wzp keep on doing sth. n\p0wzp;�s y0wzp keep& out n��& & .eq�q keep out of& n�sn keep sb. companyn�g�nzp4o� j�4o�g�n keep to sth.zwc��v�[�`n�`i{ � keep& under controlo�_�n�c6r keep in touch with& n�oct��| keep upzwc��~�~ keep up with& ߍ n keep watch�[g��z�\ 13.know a. vt. (1)�ws� i have known him since childhood. (2)�a�_ do you know japanese? b.`n� be known as& ��y:n��nw��y�����:n/f be known for& �v ��q t be known to sb.:n�g�n@b�n� become well known�q t for all/anything/ everything i know ncb@b�w it is well known that& o@bht�w know about/ of�n���ws� know& for certainnx�[�ws� know sb. by name�n�ws��g�n�v tw[� n��ƌ � know sb. by sightn�g�nb��q� n�q�` � know/learn & by heart̀�� make& known/publiclqjt��sh��h�:y know/ tell right from wrong�� r/f^� know no limits/f�ep��v a man's life is limited, but service to the people knows no limits. 14.leave a. vi.�y_��y�she left in a hurry without telling anyone. when are you leaving? b. vt.(1)yu n she asked us to leave our address. (2)oy(w�g�y�r` sorry to have left some questions unanswered. he left the window open. she left the baby crying bitterly. the illness left him rather weak. (3)ir nwe have only three months left. c.`n� leave& aboutqn>e leave& alone>e�n n�{ leave& behindyu n�w� n leave a for b�y_a�sb leave hold of& >e_�~gkb leave nothing to be desired=\�u=\� leave & off\pbk leave & outw�s�w�o leave& overyu n�ir n leave room foryu n& & yo0w 15.look a. vi. w he looked happily at his great grandchildren playing about him. b. link v. ww�eg he looks cheerful and carefree. c.`n� have/take a look a& wn w have a look of& }y�p��n[o look about�v n�s~� look about for& �v n�[~b look after& gq w��v� look ahead�q�*geg���zp�qy look as if& e he put the book0f�>�>�?�?�@�@aa�a�a�d�d*e,e�e�ehfjf&g(gphrh iinjpj�klmm�m�m8n:n�o�onppp�q�qjtlt�t�t�u�uvvwwbb�t�tx~z~l�n�����������������������ڇ܇d�f�ڈ܈҉ԉȋʊ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������has�cjajo(has�cjojqj^jaj'has�0jb* cjojqj^jajph�t,0hl���p�n1p1t1v1z1\1`1b1f1h1j1l1n1p1r1t1v1x1������������������������� &dp��gdas�dgdas� $da$gdas�p1�1������r�t�ʌ̌^�`���.�0���������x�z�����������r�t���������l�n���������������b�d�������������x�z�2�4�n�p�����>�@�������z�|�������������������������������������� �x�z���`�b�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������has�cjojqj^jajhas�cjajo(\��������ln��p r � � � � j l 8 : ��������"$ ��rt��^`��df��> @ t!v!�!�!�!�!\#^#�#�#�$�$�$�$�$�$,-.-t-v-������@ b n-p-�.�.�0�0�3�3(�*�8�:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������uhas�cjojqj^jajhas�cjajo([ where he found it. b.`n� put& acrossnzi0wh��� put an end/a stop to sth.�~_g��mmp put& aside�b>e(wn����b_��yą put& away�b6ew�eg��px[y(u� put& back�b>e�v�sy��b�v���h��vc��i{ � put& down>e n�g��s��� n�jr�q put& forth�sh���c�q put& forward�c�q��^����b�_���h��vc��i{ � put& in�c݋�8oۏ put& off�cߏ��^g�1��c� gi{ � put& onz n��x�r�so͑i{ �� no put& out>e�q��qmp��qhr�u�n put& right9eck��� ��tet��la put sb. at easeo�g�n>e�_0�[�_0�[�_ put through& �[b� put a through to b�ba�c�b�5u݋ � put& togethert���ňm��:ghvi{ ���b& & >e(wnw� put& up>nw��cw��-dw�� no�h�r� _4� put up with& �_�s put& into practice�b�^(u0r�[��-n�s put sb. to bedsb�sawɉ put sth. to/into useo�_�n�^(u put& into english�b�ыb�� put in a word for sb.:n�g�nۏ� put sb. in chargeo�g�n�#� put sth. in ordero�n�n gag put on airsfd�gp[ put sb. to death/testy{k/��� 18.run a. vi. (1)э they came running to meet us. (2)l�v� the train was running at 80 miles an hour. (3)amall the rivers will run into the sea. we mustn't let the water run to waste. his nose is running all day because he has a bad cold. b. vt. �{t��~%�they have run six factories. he runs the school well. c. link v. �s�_the river began to run dry. our food supply is running low. his blood ran cold at the news. their money is running short. the garden was running wild. d.`n� run a fever�sؚ�p run after sb./ sth.��bl run away�э run for& �z � run into& ����vpg� run on�n�n n�~�_ n� run out��gir �(u�[ run out of& (u�[��gir � run short��gir ��w: run short of& �w:��gir � run up to& t��:n�ؚ�� run a risk�qi� run across& ����vpg� run ahead of& ��hq�n run away with& &^& & ��p� run against& ����vpg��ݏ�s run at& ���q��qt run over�n�q� run over& .ǐ�v�omȉ run smoothۏu\z�)r run through& ��iq�(u=\�eu� run upŏ�b���ir�n � n�m run upon& ����vpg� 19.see a. vt. (1) w0r� w�� i saw the accident with my own eyes. i've never seen you look so well. just now i saw someone going upstairs. when we got there, we saw a house being built. last night i saw a dog killed by a car. i'm glad to see all of you happy. i could see that they need my help. *the year 1949 saw the founding of the people's republic of china. (2) wg��c�� i went to see a friend of mine last sunday afternoon. i'll be seeing you this evening. (3)�n��f}v he asked to look and see if he missed anything. now you see what i mean? b. `n� see sb. home��g�n�v�[ see about sth.�#�yt& & i'll see about the tickets for the concert. see& for oneself��] w�so��n n see into& �n����g see much/a lot/nothing/little of& 8^/�_\/�n n��0r see sb. off�l� see through& wz�ƌ4x see sb. through/ec�g�n0r�^ see to sth.yt��et there was much to see to. he has to see to the luggage. see to it that& �lazp0r��r�_�� see to it that you do not fall when skating. as far as i can see�b@b�w see sb. out��g�n�q� see that�v:n ��n& & n�peg w 20.send a. vt. (1)�[��o � ��s�5u�b � they sent me some pictures. i have a telegram to send to bob. (2)�>m�n ��let's send the radio there to be repaired. he sent his regards to you. (3)>mc�he asked to be sent to work in tibet. (4)o& & .�s�_ the bad news sent him mad/ out of mind. the sight of the red army sent the enemy running in all directions. b.`n� send for�s�� send a for b>ma �s��b send& forth�s�q the sun sends forth light and heat. send& off�l� send& out�s�q�iq0�p0lst0�p��i{ � send& up�s\ send sb. away�ǖ���q send& over�d�q��d� 21.set a. vi. n=�it will be cooler when the sun has set. b. vt. (1)>en�fd�� she set the dish on the table. let's set the clock by the radio signal. (2)ĉ�[�nx�[he set a strict rule for himself. have they set the time for the meeting? (3)o�g�nzp�nby(w�g�y�r` with only a few words he set us laughing. what he said set me thinking. he set all the prisoners free. that set all our doubts at rest.ُ�md��nb�n@b g�v`�u0 c.`n� set about doing sth.= set out to do sth._�yzp set an examplezp�q�i7h set& apart�b�q�yu�q a room has been set apart for the purpose. set& aside�b�q��yą� nto set& back�_�v�b�op� set& down>e n��q n�6r�[ set fire to sth.= set sth. on fire>ekp�p set foot in& ۏeq�� n set& forthr>n��c�q��r���w� z set& in orderte� set& looseʑ>e��_ set off�r�� set& off�q>e����p0�p��i{ ��_w� set one's mind/ heart on& n�[�q�_ set out�r����q�s set& outr>n he set out his reasons for what he had done. set sail/t*� set& to worko_�y�]\o he set to work at once writing the book. he set everyone to work together. set& up�zw�eg�b�z��o�^ set& upside down��pǐeg 22.show a. vt. (1)�b�~�n w show me your ticket, please! can you show me a bigger one? (2)�f�h�f her eyes showed that she was lying. show us how to use this machine. that shows how ignorant we are. (3)h��s�>f2�he showed courage in face of danger. (4)>e f�u\�qa new film is being shown at this cinema. (5)&^�� show them in, please. i'll show you into my room. b.`n� show off�p��h��s��] this guy likes showing off. show& off�p� i don't like the way he shows off his knowledge. show one's face 2�b� show oneself�q-^�>f2��qeg his anger showed itself in his voice. show up�q�s��q-^ show& up�f2� ��c2� this only served to show up their weakness. 23.speak a. vi.���s� he spoke with me about his childhood. he was too hurt to speak to us. i've never spoken of these things to anyone before. he spoke at the meeting yesterday. action speaks louder than words. she spoke in broken english. b. vt.� she speaks good french. trust me that i am speaking the truth. c.`n� speak for& �nh�& & �݋�:n& & ���b i can only speak for myself. speak out'yƀ���qeg speak out against& �s��s�[ he spoke out against what he thought was unjust. speak upfw�s��q��]�v w�l��݋'y�x�n speak highly/well/highly/ill/badly of& �y^�/^��� generally/strictly/broadly/roughly/frankly speaking=to speak generally, etc.n,�eg� �%ne stand the ladder against the wall. (2)�_�sif you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. c.`n� stand against& �s�[ they all stood against the war. stand at attention/ease�zck/ zo` stand behind sb. /ec stand by/ec���kb�e‰��qyl��r we'll stand by you through thick and thin. you mustn't stand by and do nothing about it. stand for& �nh� �h�:y�;n _ x often stands for an unknown number. we stand for self-reliance�ꁛr�fu �. stand on one's own feet�o`���] stand out�z�q�>fw� her talent stood out in comparison with the others. stand aside�z_� n�sn�`����z stand backtt� stand still�zoo�\p� stand up�zw��w��z 25.take a. vt. (1)�b taking a sheet of paper, she began to write. (2)&^��_�gy � after that she took us to rome. (3)t0�u08t take a little more bread. he took some medicine. (4)xnpw they took a taxi home. (5)ǒ�s ��c�s � ��bhe took a doctor's degree. after lots of thinking, she took the job. (6)kmϑ�gq��p ����u_let me take your blood pressure. we took a few pictures of the hill. (7)�[�_��c�s you cannot take this too seriously. (8)��� how long does it take to finish washing these dishes? (9);e n they took the town by surprise. b.`n� take a chance�x�xџl take one's seatpw n�1\�^ take advantage of)r(u�`s�o�[ take aim at& �w�q take& apart�b_��bxs take part in& �s�r take a as bs_b take& back6e�v take& away�b_ take& by surprise�z6q���q take care s_�_ take care of& gq~���#� take charge of& �#� take delight/ pleasure/ interest /pride in& �u"k0�n& & �j� take& down�� neg���u_ take effectuhe take a for b=take a to be b��:na/fb take& for grantedɖ:ns_6q ��`�_/f some students take it for granted that english is easy to learn. take hold of& �boo��coo take& in����:k�����o��c�;mr^ � take& into consideration�b& & �~eq�q���v�q take it easy r'} _�>e_�n�>e~g�n take note/notice of& �la�yu�_ take notes��u_ take& off1��c�w�ޘ�sb�bcb take office n�n�1\l� take on& ǖco�ht�s take one's time�n�[�n�n�babaeg take& out�s�q�m�c take pains/trouble to do sth. n�����r0wzp take place�su�>nl� take rootu9h take shapeb�w take the chair;nco�� take the place of& �n�f take turns to do sth.= take turns in doing sth.n�amzp take& up�bw���n�n��c�s�`s��e��0zz��0�la�ri{ � take warning from& _�n:nb�8t�sye�� be taken ill/sicku�u take a short cutp�wc�_ 26.talk a. vi. �݋���݋ he is talking loudly in the front of the classroom. b.`n� talk away n\p0w����ǐ�݋�md� talk back (to sb.)؏4v�v�4v talk big9t[r talk sb. into doing sth.�r�r^ talk sb. out of doing sth. �r� nr^ talk out�[ talk to sb.n�݋�#�y talk & over���� talk of& �0r talk about& ������ talk togetherfuϑ��$r 27.tell a. vt. �1 �jtɋ��� tell me your name. he told us what had happened to him. i'll tell you what to do next. don't tell me. let me guess. do as you are told to. (2)$r�ei really can't tell the differences between them. i can hardly tell kate from her twain sister. =i can hardly tell kate and her twain sister apart. b.`n� tell a and apart= tell a from b:sr_anb to tell the truth���[݋ tell sb. about/ of sth.t�g�n��w�& & tell the world& lq_����[lb tell a lie�� tell a white lie�ua�v�� tell it like it is�[݋�[� there is no telling& ���n���e there is no telling when he will return. i'll tell you what.��bjtɋ`ow�v/`hn�szp0 never tell me! r�wob�n� you are telling me!؏��`ojtɋb�b�e�ws��n �� 28.think a. vi.�` �`� give me some time to think. he told us to try to think in english. b. vt.��:n��` i never thought you could complete the work so soon. i don't think i can get away now. where do you think we can get this book? she isn't as slow as you think she is. i think the book worth reading again. this kind of computer is thought (to be) too hard to operate. we all think her a good learner. i thought it our duty to offer them some medical care. i think it a great honor to speak here. c.`n� think about& �q� think of& �`0r��`w��:n@w�`�sb�{ this picture made us think of the days in the army. he couldn't think of anything to say. she is always thinking of others. she is thinking of going downtown this afternoon. what do you think of this movie? think highly/well/a lot/ a great deal/much/poorly/ill/badly/little/nothing of�[ċ�nؚ/no think of a as b��:na/fb think& out/up�`�q think& over�n�~�q� think twice before& �� n`t�q& & just think& �`�` w�h�:y�`�� � just think of the price! wouldn't/couldn't think of& �~ n���q�/�`a��zpُ7h�v�n � i couldn't think of disturbing them at this our of night. think hard�l` 29.turn a. vi. l�/_ �l���,l��r the planet turns round the sun. i turned and saw a boy running away. b. vt. (1)l�t �l��r please turn your eyes this way. nothing can turn us from our purpose. (2)�l����� the doctor turned him over and looked at his back. c. link v.�s�_ her face turned pale at the news. his hair is turning grey. the weather suddenly turned cold. later he turned doctor. d.`n� turn a deaf ear to sth. n,t� ntlw turn a blind eye to sth. n w� ntlw they turned a deaf ear to the people's sufferings. they turned a blind eye to our demands. turn& aside�_�l��s�et turn& awayl��s�et��l�8� � nlw�sb�sp� turn backl�ǐ��eg�v��v�s turn& down�b�~�s��v��e\ turn& inr_؏�4؏ turn a into b�ba�sbb turn& off�ǖ�sq n turn& on_�;e�q turn outsq n��ǖ���f/f ��~�g/f ��[e��`�q/f the day turned out fine. he turned out to be a traitor. it turned out that he had never been there. turn one's back on& �[ ntlw turn one's heado4yuf/f turn one's stomacho\out turn& over�y�n�sb���� i turned over the keys to mr. smith. he turned over all the tables in anger. he turned over one page or two and gave up. turn to sb. for help/advicebl�r�n turn to& �0r turn up2�b�0�q-^ turn& up�e'y��g�w[xqi{ � he turned up the dictionary and found the explanation. turn& upside down/ inside out��p � �ǐeg 30.work a. vi. �1 ��]\o he was forced to work from morning till night. (2)�:ghvi{ �_�r soon the machine worked a gain smoothly. (3)(�r�l0��ri{)l��_� �ۏl���`�q � his method worked. it's a good idea, but it won't work. the treatment works like magic. b.`n� work at& r^��g;m�r � �xvzi{ she is busy working a new invention. work away n\p0wr^ work on& �n�n we're working on some wood-cuts. work& out6r����`�q����{ work& up�qy �]�� work on& �[w�\o(u��o�s work with& �[& & l��_� ��pasn�`pe͋ n.�i�_: pe͋r$n{|:�wpe͋�t�^pe͋.h�:ype�v�v͋�s�wpe͋,h�:y{��^�v͋�s�^pe͋. �n.�vsq�wƌ�p�|�� 1.�wpe͋ 1)�wpe͋n,��s�qb�y345bthree hundred and forty-five. 2)�wpe͋n,�/fuspeb__,fog� nr�`�q,8^(u ype: a. nof �w�ޏ(u,h�:y�ipe, n��nwqsope�vޏ(u,�yscores of people c��y�n; b. (wn�nh�:y"n�c"b"n�~"�v͋�~̑.�o�y: they arrived in twos and threes. �n�n n n$n$n�v0r�n. c. h�:y"�qas�\". d. h�:y"t^�n",(u in the pe͋ ype. e. (wxn�lџ�{�vn�yh�:y�l̑,�ythree fives is(are)fifteen. 2.�^pe͋ �^pe͋�v)�qb__�yfirst---1st second---2nd thirty-first---31sti{. 3.pe͋�v(u�l 1) ppeh�:y�l a. ;n� �� ppe(brpe) as adj. as.�o�y i have three times as many as you. b g`o n p��hny. b. ;n� �� ppe(rpe) the size (amount,length& ) of& .�o�y: the earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 0wt/fgt�v49 p. c. ;n� �� ppe(rpe) b_�[͋(or͋)�k���~ than& .�o�y: the grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. �nt^�k�st^�|ߘ�nϑ�x�r8%. d. ؏�s�n(uby ppe,h�:y�x�ry\ p.�o�y: the production of grain has been increased by four times this year. �nt^�|ߘ�nϑ�x�r�n4 p. 2)rpeh�:y�l�v�gb:�wpe͋�nh�rp[,�^pe͋�nh�r�k.rp['y�n1�e,rp[�v�^pe͋(uuspe,r�k�^pe͋(u ype.�o�y: 1/3 one-third; 3/37 three and three-sevenths. ��paskq��n͋� }t��ĉ�_ 1��nt^ؚ� gsq�n͋��pr^� �� it(u�l,�f�n͋ � n�[�n͋ �vq�n�n͋ 2�я�nt^�n͋�v��p�nɩ-n(w n�[�n͋ n ���g҉�^ g$n*n� 1 ����g�n�n(wyr�[�~�g-n�v(u�l ��yanyone, both, neither, nothing i{�n�[��n�s�v�~t0 2 ����g any, some, all, none, other, another i{ n�[�n͋(wyr�[틃x-n�vain�t�r���] r0 3�ջ���l͑�n�`ofr^pb ��l͑�nyr�[���s�x-n n � n�e�vt��| � �n��r^�v�in�~�g���n ybg �:_�nvqvq�n�vsq��l�wƌ�v�~t0cknx�b�c�sa �r�g�sջ�~�g(w㉘�-nw�@w�_͑���v\o(u0 }t�����r 1��ǐ�s�v�p�p�n(w ��e�p�p�ekht�s0�y�[ n�[�n͋�v��g � ��[it�v��g�p�p(w�ekb_b0 2���r:_(wyr�[틃x-n�n͋nvq�n�vsq��l�v�~t��g0 3� 2008t^ؚ���km t0w(w�[usy� ��b�v��l��g-n�[�n͋r~v� n �s 0r�gt{|���$\vq/fؚ��� ��s�n w�q�[�n͋�v��gn�v/fn*n�p�p �n��gkb�l�f�rup;m ���bl�fؚ �@b�n(w2008t^ؚ�-n ��n͋�n\:n��g�v�p�p0 n�[�n͋one, the one, ones, the onesnc:y�n͋this, that, these, those, it �v(u�l:s r0�n͋�v���[n&t�[0hq�n�r�v(u�l�n�s�s���n͋�v�`(u���o�yhelp oneself, please yourself, by (for, of) oneself, enjoy oneselfi{\o/f*gegؚ��v}t��͑�p0 �z4x�e�l �n͋(wwqso�v틃x-nџ(uw�eg�_�_wq g�_'y�vup;m'` �ؚ���ջ���[�n͋�v��g�f/fup;my�s0b�n�^�n�n n�q�eb�eqkbeg�b�c�n͋�v㉘�ĉ�_ 1.fnxc�n0(w�t{�n͋���v�e �b�n�^��hqr�gmrt�e �fnx�n͋@bc�n�v�[a� ��n ��mq�$r0wqso�eg�^�n�n n�q�eb��q���1 ��n͋c�n�v/f�n؏/fir��2 � �n͋c�n�v/f�spe t͋؏/f n�spe t͋��3 ��n͋c�n�v/fyrc؏/f�lc�i�_; �4 � �n͋c�n�v�i�_/fh�:y$n�kn��؏/f n�b n��n n0�5 � �n͋@bh�:y�v/f���[؏/f&t�[�i�_0 2.tn;���0����ǐr�g n n�e@bt��m�v;���sq�|mb��zp�qcknx$r�e0wqso�eg�^�n�n n�eb��s�q�:�1 � �n͋@bh�:y�v��v��2 � �n͋h�:y�v/fhq�&t�[؏/f�r&t�[0 3 t�틃x0��g�v/f�n͋(wwqso틃x-n�vup;mџ(u �ُ7h�v���v{�r�g(wwqso�v틃x-nџ(uw�eg�_�_wq g�_'y�vup;m'` �ؚ���ջ���[�n͋�v��g�f/fup;my�s0������������������������������������������������� 2008t^ؚ���km t0w(w�[usy� ��b�v��l��g-n�[�n͋r~v� n �s 0r�gt{|���$\vq/fؚ��� ��s�n w�q�[�n͋�v��gn�v/fn*n�p�p �n��gkb�l�f�rup;m ���bl�fؚ �@b�n(w2008t^ؚ�-n ��n͋�n\:n��g�v�p�p0 n�[�n͋one, the one, ones, the onesnc:y�n͋this, that, these, those, it �v(u�l:s r0�n͋�v���[n&t�[0hq�n�r�v(u�l�n�s�s���n͋�v�`(u���o�yhelp oneself, please yourself, by (for, of) oneself, enjoy oneselfi{\o/f*gegؚ��v}t��͑�p0 �wƌnus �n͋/f(uegc�n�nb�nir�v͋0�n͋�sr:n nrkq{|� n0�n�y�n͋( personal pronouns ) we , i , you , they, us, me, etc. �n0ir;n�n͋( possessive pronouns ) our, my ,your, their, his, her, etc. n0�s���n͋(reflective pronouns) ourselves, myself, yourselves, yourself , herself , etc. �v0�v�n�n͋( reciprocal pronouns ) each other ,one another , etc. �n0c:y�n͋( demonstrative pronouns ) this , that , these , those , such , etc. mq0�u��n͋( interrogative pronouns ) what, when, who, where, whose, etc. n0sq�|�n͋( relative pronouns) what, when, who, where, whose , etc. kq0 n�[�n͋( indefinite pronouns ) any , some ,every , many , much , a little , etc. n��n�y�n͋� ��� �n�y�n͋r;n\0�o� the students will clean the classroom themselves. f[u�n\��]sbkbye�[0 i myself heard him say it . b�n3�,t�n�v0 �v.�v�n�n͋each other ,one another.mr��8^c$n�kn���v �v�n �t��o͑ n�b n��n n�v �v�n �_n�sc$n�kn���v �v�n 0 �n.c:y�n͋this/thesen,�(uegc�e���tzz�� n��я�v�nbir�that/those 8^c�e���t � zz�� n��܏�v�nbir0 � ۏl��k���e �that�s�n�f n�spe t͋buspe t͋�n�mq͑ y�those �s�n�f ype t͋�n � mq͑ y0 mq0�u��n͋� (u�n�gbyr�k�u��s �vq-nwhat, which, whose|q gb_�[͋yr�_ ��s�n�t t͋ޏ(u0 what job do you want to find?����� /whose girl is she?���� which subject is your best one? @b g�u��n͋���s�nw� t͋\o(u �(w�sp[-n�b�nbr0 who told you?�������������� /whom are you waiting for?���� whose are those books? (wf[`n�u��n͋�e ��[�n n�q�~͋�la:s r� 1 � which�twhat $n�gw�sn t͋ޏ(u �1\�nbir�c�0fo/fwhichn,�(u�n gn�[ ��b��v�v�`�q �what(u�n�e ��b��vbvz�z/f�nhn؏ nnzi�v�`�q0 which colour do you like-green, red, yellow or brown? what colour is her dress? what writers do you like best? 2 �which�twho $n����s\o�n͋ ��[�n�v:s r/f n�{ ��b�v��v/f'y؏/f\ �whichn,�(u\ocir0 which would you like to eat -steak or fish? who won the game -smith or johnson ? s_ gn�[ ��b��v�e �which one�n�fwho\o�[�. which one do you like better, your mother or your father? which of�s�t�n�y�n͋bc�n�v t͋ޏ(u,�y� which of you has taken away my english book? 3)ޏ�c�n͋who, whom, whose, which, what, whatever, whoeveri{ �d�w�ޏ�c\o(uy �؏�s�n(w�n�s-n�bs_;n� ��[� ��[� �h��i{br0�y� the question is who can operate the new machine.�_�[h���n�s--\o;n� � they asked whose idea this was.�_�[�[��n�s--\o�[� � when you are older, you can watch whatever programme you like. �_�[�[��n�s--\o�[� � i'll give my ticket to whoever wants it. �ُ̑whoever�s wb"anyone who" �or"the person who" �. n�sq�|�n͋ sq�|�n͋/fn�y_�[�n�sv^w�ޏ�c;n�s�t�n�s\o(u�v�n͋.sq�|�n͋ g who, whose, whom, that, which. �[�n(w�s-n�s(u\o;n�,h��,�[�,�[�. (w;n�s-n,�[�n؏�nh�@w�n�s@b�op��v��*n t͋b�n͋. kq0 n�[�n͋� `$all / both a.both(u�n$n*n�nb�nir �all(u�n$n*n�n n�v�nb�nir �gw�s\o;n�0 all (of us) like fruits.������� /both (of them) are good at english. b.(u\o tmo�0\o;n� tmo��e{��la�[�n�vmon n t �mo�nl�:n�r͋knmr�mo�nbe�r͋knt0 they all (bboth) agreed with me.������ /they are all (bboth) very healthy. i know them all (bboth). a$one / it��n�y�n͋ � one �n�f�spe t͋ �h�:y nb�@b�c0r�v��n{|�nbir-n�vn*n �vq ypeb__&^�[��e(uones � n&^�[��e(usome0 �itr(u�nc�n n�e�c0r�v��*nh�:yir�v t͋,g�� ��e�scuspe�spe t͋_n�sc n�spe t͋0 i don't have a watch but i'm going to buy one�bsome �. i have a bicycle. my aunt gave it to me. b$no one / none no one �s(u�nc�n � �none �e�sc�n_n�scir0�y�g�"�r^�n�ir �kn-nn*n_n n" �(u"none of",t�c ype t͋�e ����s�n(u ype �_n�s(uuspe�t�c n�spe t͋�e ���(uuspe0�y� no one told me that he had gone to shanghai. none of them have�bhas �arrived yet.� n(uno one � none of the money is mine. c$some / any /no /every �thing, one, bodyi{0 � some {|(u�n���[�s �any{|(u�n&t�[�t�u��s0 i know nothing of what had happened to him. i have little rice, so i can't lend you any. she is going to buy some new dresses. �l:everyone�tevery one ��� mr�a`/f"�k*n�n" �neverybody tin �tb� n�sߍof�w� �t�a`/f�k*n�nbir �tb�ߍof�w�0ջ�k��� everyone in the classroom�ye�[̑�v@b g�v�n � every one of the children�ُ�ni[p[-n�v�kn*n � every one of the books�ُ�nfn-n�v�kn,g � d$�r&t�[nhq�&t�[� s_all, both, each�tevery(body, thing)i{h�:ytesoain�v�n͋n&t�[͋ޏ(u�e �n,��sh�:y�r&t�[ ��y�gh�:yhq�&t�[ ��^�(unone, no one, neither, nobody, nothingi{. all of the students were not late for the class. n/f@b gf[u n����ߏ0r�v0 (�s�n��-n8^�qb�not all the students were late for the class.) none of the students were late for the class.�l gn*nf[u n��ߏ0r�v0 �wqso0w�f�q*n(wo(u�n͋�e�^�la�v� �n ��c�n�_{��qnx�e��������������������������������������� b�n�ws��n͋/f(uegc�n�nb�nir�v͋ ���hn�y�g(wo(u�n͋�ec�n nnzi �1\o_w��n�n�v��09��0u� nt�.�o�y� while carrying the paint can from the garage to the house, marry was afraid that some of it might spill on her new skirt. s_�s���nf��^�b�lop,d0rk\̑�e �yy�b�_�loo�n0ryy�v�eوp[ n0 ��n �sq�n�n�y�n͋0�s���n͋0ir;n�n͋(wo(uُ n{|�n͋�e �b�n���la�[�n(w�s-n�v�n�y0us ype0�s'`�te(w�[�n�vtb�0 6. n�[�n͋:some ,any ,all ,both ,none ,one, each ,either ,neither ,other ,another, �� something ,anything ,nothing ,anyone ,anybody , someone ,somebody ,nobody 7.sq�|�n͋((u�n�[��n�s):who ,whom ,whose �that ,which ,as ��pas]n��`of�ne�� }t��ĉ�_�s���r ݋��--->yo�n�_ �`�^ ��`a�svq�n �>yo�n�_/f�ne�(u���g�v͑-nkn͑0�ne�(u�/f�kt^ؚ���ջwsusy� ��b�r�v�_��q�[ ��8^��o g1 2*n���v0��r^�vht�sb__�8^/f�[݋ �czz��y�y�q�s(w�ne��^t{̑0 �z4x�e�l� 1���q�`�s�w�~�g ��x:_t����r0 2��ۏl�^�l��� ��y/}t�y�`�x-n�ne��^l��v(u��n ��cؚ�ne����r0 3���q�`�-n$n�y�es�]_ ��c�c$n*n n tl�e�v�ne�`n�`�e_0ؚ�-n ��~8^�q�s ��k�_�v8^(u�ne�(u� gy�y0 [xq�wh���] would you like to have supper with me? `o?aa�tbnw�tzfm�t� that would be nice. let s fix a date.� ��*y}y�n ��t�n�[*n�ep['t0 i d love to, but my brother is coming. ?aa �fo/fb�t�t��eg0 i d like to invite you to dinner at my flat. b�`����`o0rblq�[tm�0 what would you like to eat / drink? `o�`t��u ��p�nhn� what / how about another piece of bread� �qegnwwb�s`hn7h� would you like some more beef?� `o�`�qt�p[r��t� do you want to have some chicken? `o�`tn�n!���t� i m full. / i ve had enough.�� bq��n0 i d like two eggs and a glass of milk. b�`��$n*n!�ˆ�tnog[rvy0 yes, please, just a little. }y�v ��s��n�p�p0 help yourself.� ��ꁿo0/ �����ot0 make yourself at home.� n���[l ���ꁿo0 3��[pah����e�l\�~ s_ r�n1ya01y%�0�b�_0�_q��e �b�n�^��~�n�s_�v�[pa �okn/c\o0/cky0`o�s�n��don t be afraid. cheer up. / come on. you can do it.i{0 4� tan�s�[h����e�l\�~ ��-n �s_�[�e�c�q�g�y‰�p0a��b��bl�e �`o��h�:yp`s_ �wqso�v`�^0vz�z/f ta؏/f n ta ��� g*nfnx�vt{ y0 5�h�lbn��rh����e�l\�~ (w��e ��n�n;`o��e0w�~�[�e�nh�lb�t��r0�n�n�[�n r�n�v^�lbn,�oh�:yؚtq �v^n thank you! n�y�s0 6.��h����e�l\�~ ��� g��v�ep ���� g~b n0r�v�v0w ��ra�v�ep0�s��`ooo(up`s_�v��h����e_ �mr����[o/fiqf�v0 [xq�wh���] excuse me. where is the pacific hotel? �[ nw� ����*ys^ m�[��(w�t?q� go down this street until you see the tall building. �l@wُag�p� ��v0r`o w0r��*nؚ|i0 does this road lead to the agriculture bank of china? ُagl��0r/�t-n�v�qn��l�t� no. turn right at the first crossing. n �(w,{n*nasw[��st�s�b0 excuse me. which is the way to the no. 1 middle school? sbpbn n �����tag�0rn-n� you can take no. 503 bus. `o�s�nxn503�lq�nf�0 excuse me. could you tell me the way to the airport? sbpb�n0`o��jtɋb�sޘ:g:w�v�t� it s over there. it s in that direction.� (w��?q �1\(w��*n�et0 can you tell me how to get to the people s park? `o��jtɋb`hn�s�nllq�vt� sorry, i don t know. i m a stranger here. �[ nw� �b n�ws�0b_n/fregُ?q0 7.�n�~h����e�l\�~ f[o(u�_so�v�틻s�]�y0w�n�~��]�t r�n ���yoll��=m �o'y�[�nam{�~g a�_0 [xq�wh���] may i introduce you to my friend hang kai? b�s�n�b`o�n�~�~b�v g�smg�qt� please allow me to introduce you to my classmates. ��aq��b�b`o�n�~�~b�v tf[0 i d like you to meet my friend, maria.00 b�`��`o��n��b�v g�s�s)rz0 may i introduce myself? i m jim green. bzpn n�b�n�~}yt�b/fpg�y?e~g�n �va`�take your time� t g rla�_ �babaeg �va`0 3.  come on (w�s�-n�s�nh������nain?  come on g �r�b�r0�r�l �va` ��vs_�n try harder�make an effort 0ُnain�u���_�q�`0 come on ؏ g hurry up ��_�p�v��_� ��vain� g�ep_n\o cheer up �/c\ow�eg ��� come on ؏�s�n(uegc#��[�er�v݋ n�[ �8^�ыb �_fu��{�n't� 0 f�8^��v�e8^�ne�(u� 1. �p�t�^t{ � a: how are you doing?�� b: fine, thank you. / just so-so. a: please remember me to your parents.� b: sure, i will. 2. �n�~�t�^t{ a: this is mr./ mrs./ miss/ ms brown.� b: hello!/ how do you do ?/ nice to meet you! 3. jt r �� see you (later)!� / good night!( cf. good evening!)/ nice seeing you. 4. a"��t�^t{ � a: many thanks!/ thanks for your help!/ i appreciate your help! � b: that s all right (ok). / you are welcome./ don t mention it./ it s a pleasure./ my pleasure. ���� (cf. with pleasure. (u�n�vt{�[�e�vbl�r0����) 5. s�ik�t�^t{ � a: i m sorry.� b: that s all right (ok.). / it doesn t matter./ never mind./ that s nothing./ forget it. 6. �����t�^t{� �� a: would you like to...? b: yes, i'd love to. / yes, with pleasure./� yes, it's very kind ( nice )of you. / i'd love to, but i have other plans. 7. ��blaq���t�^t{ �� a: could i smoke here? / i wonder if i could smoke here. �b: yes (certainly). / yes, do please. / of course you may. / that's ok (all right). / i'm sorry, but it is not allowed / you'd better not. �a: do you mind if i open the window? �b: not at all./ of course not./ certainly not./ i m sorry, but you d better not. 8. ]y?a0]y:��t�^t{ �� a: good luck! / best wishes to you. / have a nice / good time. / congratulations! / have a good journey.! ��� b: thank you. ��� a: happy new year! / merry christmas! /� happy birthday to you. ��� b: the same to you. 9. �c�o.^�r�t�^t{ �� a: can i help you? / would you like some help? ���� b: thanks. that would be nice / yes, please. / no, thank you all (just) the same. / no, thank you anyway./ that's very kind of you, but i can manage it myself. ��� a: what can i do for you?��� b: i d like to go to the no. 3 middle school. 10. �~o ��� a: shall we meet at 4:30 ? / let s make it 4:00.� b:� all right. see you then. 11. sb5u݋ a: hello! may i speak to tom?� b: hold on, please. a: is that mary speaking?� b: she isn't here right now. can i take a message for you? 12.1\�� ���� a: would you like some more meat? / help yourself to some more meat. ���� b: thank you. i've had enough. / just a little, please. 13. w�u � a: what s the matter? / what seems to be the trouble? � b: i don t feel like eating./� i've got a cough. / i feel terrible �bad �. /� i don't feel well. / i've got a pain here. / it hurts here. 14.�-�ir�� a: what can i do for you? / may (can i )help you?� b: i'd like to buy a dictionary. ����� a: how about this one?�� b: that's fine. i'll take it. 15. �t�^t{ ��� a:� excuse me. where's the washroom? /�� excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office? ��� b:� go down this street.� turn right / left at the second crossing. sorry, i don t know. i am a stranger here. 16. ���)yl� a:� what's the weather like today? / how's the weather in beijing? b:� it's fine / cloudy / windy / rainy, etc. / it's rather warm (cold / hot). today, isn't it? 17. yt�ne�-n�v���x� ��� pardon.! / i beg your pardon. /� please say that again( more slowly.)� what do you mean by& . ? /� i'm sorry i can't follow you. 18. �c���la �� you can t ( mustn t) smoke here. / no smoking!/ wet paint!/� mind your head (step) / take care!/ be careful!/ look out! 19. ta�t n ta certainly / sure / of course. / yes, please. /�� that's a good idea. / i agree �� no, i don't think so. / i'm afraid not. /� i really can't agree with you. / no way (�q n,�l�) 20� �e��b�eg�t�^t{ a: what time is it now? / what's the time?�� b: it's about three. a: what day is it today?����������������� b: it's wednesday. a: excuse me. have you got the time?����� b: yes, it's six twenty. ��p�nas�^��틨r͋ (w��-n � n\o�sp[�� � �wq gd���yvq�n��l�r���v�r͋ ��szp^��틨r͋0^��틨r͋ gdoing�done�to do. �n ��r͋ n�[_��to � do �wq g t͋0b_�[͋0or͋�vyr�_0 1� n�[_�vb__� � &t�[_�not (to) do �1 �n,�_� n�[_�vn,�_@bh�:y�v�r\on�틨r͋�r\o t�e�sub�su(w�틨r͋�r\oknt � he wants to be an artist. the patient asked to be operated on at once. the teacher ordered the work to be done. �2 �ۏl�_� n�[_�vۏl�_@bh�:y�v�r\on�틨r͋�r\o t�e�su ��o�y� the boy pretended to be working hard. he seems to be reading in his room. �3 ��[b_� n�[_�v�[b_h�:y�v�r\o�su(w�틨r͋�r\oknmr ��o�y� he is pleased to have met his friend. 2� n�[_�v�s�l�r��� �1 �\o;n�� to finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. to lose your heart means failure. �r͋ n�[_�w�\o;n��e �8^(uit\ob__;n� ��o�y nb�$n�s�s(u�y nb__� it is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. it means failure to lose your heart. �2 �\oh��� her job is to clean the hall. he appears to have caught a cold. �3 �\o�[�� 8^n n�[_zp�[�ޏ(u�v�r͋ g�want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, �y�g n�[_��[� �tb� g�[�e���� �r(uit\ob__�[� �wck�v�[�� n�[_ �tn �>e(w�[�e����tb� ��o�y� marx found it important to study the situation in russia. �r͋ n�[__n�seqs_�n͋�[� ��y� i have no choice but to stay here. he did nothing last sunday but repair his bike. �r͋ n�[_mr g�e�sn�u�͋ޏ(u ��y� he gave us some advice on how to learn english. �4 �\o�[�e����� (w yt�[�-n ��r͋ n�[_�seqs_�[�e���� ��y n�r͋8^ߍُ�y yt�[��want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite. dky ��n͋ g�e_nnُ�y yt�[�ޏ(u ��y� with a lot of work to do, he didn't go to the cinema� g�n�r͋�ymake, let, see, watch, hear, feel, havei{n n&^ gto�v n�[_ޏ(u �fo9e:n���r�`�e � n�[_���rto, �y� i saw him cross the road. he was seen to cross the road. �5 �\o�[�� �r͋ n�[_\o�[� �>e(w@b�op��v t͋b�n͋t0n@b�op� t͋ g�y nsq�|� `$�r�[sq�|� i have a meeting to attend. �la� n�[_:n n�sir�r͋�e �@b�op��v t͋�y�g/f0w�p0�]wqi{ ��^ g�_���v�n͋ ��y� he found a good house to live in. the child has nothing to worry about. what did you open it with? �y�g n�[_�op�time, place, way ��s�nweu�n͋� he has no place to live. this is the best way to work out this problem. �y�g n�[_@b�op� t͋/f n�[_�r\ob�s� � n�[_�s(u;n�r__n�s(u���r_� have you got anything to send? have you got anything to be sent? a$�f@b�op� t͋�v�q�[� we have made a plan to finish the work. b$���op� t͋/f n�[_;���;n�� he is the first to get here. �6 �\o�r�� `$h��v�v� he worked day and night to get the money. she sold her hair to buy the watch chain. �la n�[_>e�s���e �;���;n�n�sp[;n틁�n�� wrong�to save money, every means has been tried. right�to save money, he has tried every means. a$h��~�g� he arrived late to find the train gone. 8^(uonly>e(w n�[_mrh�:y:_�� i visited him only to find him out. b$h��s�v� they were very sad to hear the news. c$h� z�^� it's too dark for us to see anything. the question is simple for him to answer. �7 �\o�r�zbr� to tell you the truth, i don't like the way he talked. �8 � n�[_�vweu��oyutoweudo�r͋0 if you don't want to do it, you don't need to. �9 � n�[_�vv^r�,{�n*n n�[_�sweuto0 he wished to study medicine and become a doctor. ��n �v-ing b__ 1�b__� �1 �n,�_�doing seeing is believing. e(w@b�op��v t͋mr��y�g/f�w�zp�[�>e(w t͋t0 in the following years he worked even harder. (wteg�v�qt^-n ��nf[`n�f�r�r�n0 the man speaking to the teacher is our monitor's father. ckn�^�݋�v��*n�n/fb�n�s��v6r�n0 doing\o�[��vs_�nn*n�[��n�s�v�s�l�r�� ��y�in the following years_n�s(uin the years that followed; the man speaking to the teacher�s9e:nthe man who is speaking to the teacher. �5 �\o tmo�� the cave, his hiding-place is secret. ��*nq\m ��nυ���v0w�e�_�y�[0 his habit, listening to the news on the radio remains unchanged� �n6e,t6e�:g�e�����v�v`n�`�n*g9e�s0 �6 �\o�[�e����� �y n�r͋t�sߍ�s(wr͋\o�[�e����� see, watch, hear, feel, find, get, keep, notice, observe, listen to, look at, leave, catchi{0�o�y� can you hear her singing the song in the next room? `o��,t��yy(w���x1ulkt� he kept the car waiting at the gate. �n��\}lf�(w��si{@w0 �7 �\o�r�� `$\o�e���r�� (while) working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. (w�]�s�]\o�e ��n/fn thqۏ�]�n0 a$\o�s�v�r�� being a league member, he is always helping others. 1u�n/fqqr��vxt ��n�~8^.^�r�n�n0 b$\o�e_�r� �h�:y4o��� he stayed at home, cleaning and washing. �nft(w�[̑ ��s�d�sm0 c$\oag�n�r�� (if) playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. ���/fte)y�s �`o1\ojm9��[5��v�e��0 d$\o�~�g�r�� he dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces. �n�bogp[�c�n ��~�gtd�_�|�x0 e$\o�v�v�r�� he went swimming the other day. �q)ymr�n�s8n�l�n0 f$\o��ek�r�� though raining heavily, it cleared up very soon. �}�6q� n�_�_'y �fo nen)y1\tf�n0 g$n;���;n틄gb�r�z;n\-ed�gb0 nĉr�r͋�vǐ�sr͋�l g�~n�vĉr��bl ���nn��oo0 ǐ�sr͋�v�s�l�r��� 1�ǐ�sr͋\o�[�� our class went on an organized trip last monday. nhtnb�n�s_u\�nn!k g�~�~�v�el�0 those elected as committee members will attend the meeting. s_ �:n�yxt�v�n\�q-^ُ!ko0 �las_ǐ�sr͋/fus͋�e �n,�(u�n t͋mr ��y�g/fǐ�sr͋�w� �1\>e(w t͋�vtb�0ǐ�sr͋zp�[��vs_�nn*n���r�`�v�[��n�s0 2�ǐ�sr͋\oh��� the window is broken. �z7b4x�n0 they were frightened at the sad sight. �n�n�[e(w�s��_n�s(w�s-n �which(w�s-n0�o�y� 00as we know, smoking is harmful to one's health. �yb�n@b�w �8t�p g�[ep�^0 00the sun heats the earth, which is very important to us. *y3�o0wt�fw�eg �ُ�[b�n�n{|�_͑��0 �as �la�ny� �1 �^�p��['`�[��n�s as� ck�y, 1\�p0 �2 �p��['`�[��n�smrb� gthe same, such, so 9.sq�|�n͋that �v(u�l 1 � n(uthat�v�`�q 00 a � _�[^�p��['`�[��n�s�e0�o�y� 000 �� �the tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here. 00 b � �n͋t n��(u0�o�y� 0000 we depend on the land from which we get our food. b�n�ov�w0w���_ߘir0 0000 we depend on the land that/which we get our food from. 2 � �s��(uthat\o:n�[��n�s�vsq�|�n͋�v�`�q 00 a �0(wthere be �s�w-n ��s(uthat � n(uwhich0 00 b �0(w n�[�n͋ ��y�anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, littlei{\ohql�͋�e ��s(uthat � n(uwhich0 00 c �0hql�͋ gthe only, the very�op��e ��s(uthat00 00 d �0hql�͋:n�^pe͋0pe͋0b_�[͋gؚ�~�e ��s(uthat0. 00 e �0hql�͋�e g�n ��s gir�e0�o�y� 0��� all that is needed is a supply of oil. @b��v�s/f�o�l�0 0� 0finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. ��<�g�~�bwp�vhq�n��n�~�nf��[0 � t͋'`�n�s n.�i�_ �� t͋'`�n�sqq g�v�y:;n��n�s,h���n�s,�[��n�s�t tmo��n�s �n.�vsq�wƌ�p�|�� 1� ;n��n�s�;n��n�s(wte*n�sp[-n\o;n�0 (1) n t�nvq�[�vޏ͋ ��[ neqs_�sp[�vbr ��s/fus�~�vޏ�c͋ ��8^ n�s�nweu0r�sn�n�s���e �that�~�[ n�s�nweu0 that the driver could not control his war was obvious. it was obvious that the driver could not control his car. (2)if n��(u(w;n��n�s-n � �/f(uwhether whether he left (or not) is unknown (3)s_;n��n�s\o;n��e ��틨r͋n,�(u,{ n�n�yuspe � nb�ُ*n�s�w�oy0 what we need is more time and money. what we need are many more books. 2.h���n�s�h���n�s�q�s(w�|�r͋t �eqs_h��0 the trouble is that we are short of money. �go and get your coat. it s where you left it. (1) _�[h���n�sd��n n�� n{|͋y؏ gbecause, as if/ as thoughi{i{ �the reason (why/for which& ..) is that & & �it/this/that is because& & (2) ޏ�|�r͋ appear, look, seem �v$n*n8^(u�s�w it seems/appears that& . it looks/seems as if/as though& & (n�n�[�v&{(uh����l �n�n�[�v�s(uz��b�l) (3) as _n�s�n_�[h���n�s �things are not always as they seem to be 3. �[��n�s��sir�r͋ �b_�[͋�t�n͋t�r�[��n�s\ovq�[�0 (1) �[��n�s�e`n;n�s�v|t�^ �fo�[��n�sh�:y�v/f�[‰wtbnfm��sa�d�y the teacher told us that the earth moves around the sun (2) ޏ͋whether�t if�s�n�nbc �fo�la nr�`�q ޏ͋t'}ߍor not�e(uwhether i want to know whether or not they will come. \o�n͋�[�/f(uwhether_�[�[��n�s he was interested in whether he saw her there. ޏ�c͋t�v�c�r n�[_ � n��(uif�s��(uwhether he doesn t know whether to stay or not. �y�g�[��n�s/f&t�[�e �n,�(uif_�[ i care if he will not attend the meeting. (3) s_�[��n�st&^�[e��e ���(u ;n� �� it �[e� that-clause,that n�sweu i think it certain that she will do well in her exam. (4) s_;n�/fi, we �;n�s(uthink, believe, suppose, expect, imagine�n*n�r͋�e �(u&t�[l��y i don t think he will win the game, will he? (5) that(w�[��n�s8^�s�nweu �fo1uandb butޏ�c$n*nby*n�[��n�s�e ��n�s�nweu,{n*nޏ͋that he said (that) he had eaten nothing but that he wasn t hungry. (6) �la:s rif_�[�v�[��n�s�tag�n�r��n�s i don t know if he will come. if he comes, i ll let you know. 4. tmo��n�s �(w�s-n\o�g�n t͋�v tmo� ��[mrb��v t͋ۏnek�f0(u(w nr t͋ fact,news,idea,hope,believe,hope,thought,doubt.truth,order,suggestion, word etc. (1) there is no doubt that he will come. there is doubt whether he will come. word came that napoleon would come to inspect them. there is no possibility that& . (2) that_�[�v tmo��n�sn�[��n�s�v:s r� (w tmo��n�s-n�that n�s�nweu � n\obr;�[��n�s�vsq�|�n͋that(w�[��n�s\obr �\o�[��e�s�nweu we are interested in the news that some foreigners would visit our school. we are interested in the news that he told us. when, where_�[�v tmo��n�sn�[��n�s�v:s r� (w�[��n�s-n �when, wheremr gr rh�:y�e��00w�p�vhql�͋� �(w tmo��n�s-n�edk�[�^sq�| they have no idea at all where he has gone.( tmo��n�s) go and get your coat. it s in the place where you left it.(�[��n�s) 5. �u�͋-ever�e�s�n_�[ t͋'`�n�s �_n�s�n_�[��ek�r��n�s � �no matter �u�͋�s��_�[��ek�r��n�s no matter where i go, my heart is towards china. i believer whatever he says.�� whatever he says, i will never believe him. whon whoever�v:s r who/f � �va` �h�:ywq g�u� �who�vs_�nanyone who �e��� whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. can you tell me who that gentleman is? 6�s_ t͋'`�n�s:\;n�0�[�bh���e �_�[͋�8^(uwhat ��[�vs_�n0�sy � g�ewq ga�sainall that, anything thatb the thing(s) that what we can t get seems better than what we have. tom thought what a beautiful girl mary was. 7.�la:srit \ob__;n틄v;n��n�sn:_��s :_��s�s�wit is/was ��:_��r that, �s�cit is/was, that ��sp[�n6qb�z0 it is natural that they should have different views. ;n��n�s it is only lately that he had had a family himself. :_��s what was it that he wanted?�� i don t know what it was that he wanted. it was in the hotel where he stayed that we discussed the serious problem 8.�lait \ob__;n틄v;n��n�s�tas_�[^�p�6r'`�[��n�s_�[�v n t it is known to all that the earth is round. as is known to all, the earth is round ��r��n�s n.�i�_ �� �r��n�s�op�;n�s-n�v�r͋,b_�[͋,or͋i{,(w yt�s-n\o�r�._�[�r��n�s�vsqt�͋/f�n^\ޏ͋.�r��n�s(uh����s틏^,n,�mo�n yt�s�v�s��b�s g.s_�n�s(w�s���e,�n�st8^(u��s�t;n�s�v��.�r��n�s9hncvq(w�s-n�v n t\o(ur rh�:y�e��,0w�p,�s�v,�v�v,�~�g,ag�n,�k��,��ek,l�:n�e_i{. �n.�vsq�wƌ�p�|�� 1.0w�p�r��n�s 000w�p�r��n�s�8^1uwhere, wherever _�[0�o�y� 00where i live there are plenty of trees. boo�v0w�eh�_y0 00wherever i am i will be thinking of you. n�{b(w�t̑b��o�`0r`o0 2.�e_�r��n�s 00�e_�r��n�s�8^1uas, as if, as though_�[0 1 �as�n�s&^ g�k�u�v tin �a`/f"ck�y& " �"1\�p" �y(u�nck_�eso0�o�y� 0� always do to the others as you would be done by. `o ^g�n�[`7h�_`o �`o1\��`7h�_�n0 2 �as if, as though_�q�v�r��n�s��y(uz��b�l �h�:yn�n�[�v�s � g�e_n(uh����l �h�:y@b��`�q/f�n�[b�[�s�v�s��'`��'y0ilы8^\o"�n[o& & f �f���vb�]:n�n�n@b�w �1\(uasb since0�o�y� 0� i didn't go, because i was afraid. b n�s/f�v:nb`0 0� since /as the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. )yl��hn�| ��el��cߏ�n0 2 �1ubecause_�[�v�n�s�y�g>e(w�s g �nmrb� g��s �r�s�n(uforeg�n�f0fo�y�g n/f�f�v�c�s�v � �/fy�y�`�q�r�n�c�e �1\�s��(ufor0�o�y� 0� he is absent today, because / for he is ill. �n�n)y:-^ ��v:n�n�u�n0 0� he must be ill, for he is absent today. �nn�[�u�n �@b�n�n)y:-^0 4.�v�v�r��n�s 0 h�:y�v�v�r틄v�n�s�s�n1uthat, so that, in order that, for fear that, in casei{͋_�[0�o�y� 0 you must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. `o�_{�'y�p�x � r�n1\��,t���n0 0 he wrote the name down for fear that�lest � he should forget it. �n�q n�nُ*n tw[�nmq�nt�_��0 0 better take more clothes in case the weather is cold. g}yyz�pc� g ��n2�)y�s�q0 5.�~�g�r��n�s 0�~�g�r��n�s8^1uso& that b such& that_�[0so& thatnsuch& thatkn���s�nl�bc0�o�y� 00� the boy is so young that he can't go to school. ُ7ui[t^��*y\ � n�� nf[0 0��� he is such a young boy that he can't go to school 6. ag�n�r��n�s � 0ޏ�c͋;n�� g if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that i{0if _�[�vag�n�s gw�[ag�n�s�t^�w�[ag�n�s$n�y0^�w�[ag�n�s�](wz��b�l-n���0 0� unless = if not.0 �o�y� 0� let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired. �y�g n*y/} �b�n�sceceek0 0� if you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk. xq�w�o�� you will be late ___ you leave immediately.0 a. unless0 b. until0 c. if00d. or 0� t{hha0�sa�d�^�`o�zssp� �&tr`o1\�vߏ0r�v0�sl�s:n if you dong leave immediately, you will be late0b0d�sa n�[ �orh�l��b ��sp[�y:n you leave immediately or you will be late.� 7. ��ek�r��n�s 1 �though, although_�[�v��ek�r��n�s �tb��v�n�s n�� gbut �fo/f though �tyet�sޏ(u0�o�y� although it's raining, they are still working in the field.0}�6q(w n� �fo�n�n�n(w0w̑r^;m0 00� he is very old, but he still works very hard. }�6q�n�_��n �fo�n6q�r�r0w�]\o0 �2 �� as, though _�[�v��ek�n�sh��b�r��cmr�b_�[͋0or͋0r͋0�[in�r͋�cmr �0�o�y� 000child as /though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. }�6q/f*n\i[ ��zp�nhn nzp�nhn ��nhq�ws�0 3 �� ever if, even though0sso0�o�y� 00� we'll make a trip even though the weather is bad. sso)yl n}y �b�n_n���s܏��0 4 �� whether& or& 0 n�{& & ��0�o�y� 00� whether you believe it or not, it is true. �o n�o1u`o �ُnx�[/fw�v0 5 �0"no matter �u�͋" b"�u�͋ tever" 0�o�y� 00� no matter what happened, he would not mind. =whatever happened, he would not mind. n�{�su�nhn ��n n(wa0 000�fbc�no matter what = whatever 0000��� no matter who = whoever 0000��� no matter when = whenever 0000��� no matter where = wherever 0000��� no matter which = whichever 0000��� no matter how = however 0��� �la�no matter n��_�[;n��n�s�t�[��n�s0 8. �k��while, when, as 1 �as, when _�[�w�f'`�r\o�v�r͋0�o�y� 000 just as / just when / when i stopped my car, a man came up to me. bn9rf� � gn*n�ntbp�eg0 2 �s_�n�s�v�r\o�su�n;n�s�r\oknmr ��s��(uwhen _�[ُ*n�n�s � n�s(uas b while0�o�y� 000 when you have finished your work, you may have a rest. v��[;mt �`o�s�noo`n n0 3 ��n�sh�:y"���e���c�y"ޏ͋��(uas � n(uwhen bwhile0�o�y� 000 as the day went on, the weather got worse.0�ep[n)y)yǐ�s �)yl���s��ow0 9.�k��until�ttill 00dk$n*nޏ͋ain�v t0���[b__h�:y�va`/f"zp�g�n�v��g�e" ��r͋�_{�/f�^�~'`�v0&t�[b__h����va`/f"�v��g�embzp�g�n"0�r͋:n�^�~'`b^��^�~'`���s�n0cknxo(uُ$n*nޏ͋�vsq.�knn1\(w�n$r�e�s-n�v�r͋�(u���[_؏/f&t�[_0���[�s�i slept until midnight. bn�vaw0rjsy�e���n0 00wait till i call you. i{@wb�s`o0�(w���[�s-n�s(ubefore�n�f0�o�y let's get in the wheat before the sun sets. � 0� &t�[�s�she didn't arrive until 6 o'clock. yy�v0r6�pmb0r0 0��������� don't get off the bus until it has stopped. lqqq}lf�\p3zt�q nf�0 i didn't manage to do it until you had explained how. �v0r`oyebt �bmbozp0 :s r� until�s(u�n�s�� � �till�8^ n(u�n�s��0�o�y� 00���������� until you told me, i had heard nothing of what happened. �v0r`ojtɋb�nmr ��q�n�nhn�nbn�p_n n�ws�0 �la�&t�[�s�s(u�sy$n�y�s_h�:y0 1 �not until& (w�s�� �;n�s(upň0�o�y� 0not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. �v0r19 n�~r ��n{|mb�ws��p:nuoir0 2 �it is not until& that& 0�o�y� ���� it was not until i began to work that i realized how much time i had wasted. 10.h�:y"n& 1\& "�v�~�g 0� hardly/scarcely& when/before, no sooner& than0�tas soon as���s�nh�:y"n& 1\& "�va`0�o�y� 0� i had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain. r�v�[ �1\ nw��eg�n0 0� i had no sooner got home than it began to rain. 0� as soon as i got home, it began to rain. 0� �la��y�ghardly, scarcely bno soonern�n�s�� ��sp[�_{�(upň�~�g0�o�y� 0� hardly / scarcely had i got home when it began to rain. 0� no sooner had i got home than it began to rain.     :�������ƭȭ������@�b���������������p�r�����r�t�����n1p1r1v1x1\1^1b1d1�1�1���������������������������������������has�jhas�uh��has�cjajo(has�cjojqj^jaj'x1z1|1~1�1�1�1������01�82p��. ��a!�"�#��$��%��s�� ����n@��n ck�e $1$a$$cjkhpj_hajmh nhsh th$a@���$ ؞���k=�w[sobi@���b nf�h�"&� ��?"&� ��@"&� ��a"&� ��b"&� ��c"&� ��d"&�@��d8`"�(j0&8$>�cj�p�uf\�`�fmkqw�~��k�|�֗z����������¿?�c�����~���y�������� �� 3�!�&� �0�5u= f leqy>^,d�j�puw�~[���4�veb?n8f1�*<#� � � �  � ����������������� �!�"�#�$�%�&�'q(�y)�t*�n j,c-�[.u/wn0g1�?2�93�44�/5�*6u#7�89e:�;l<�,=l&>z ?�@�a� bc ���s�(�,�5��r n��r ر�r n��r n��r n1�r �r jr j ����sy`�`����� �"�#�%�&�'�(�)�*� �,�-�.�/�0�1�2�5��@0��0��@0����@0����@0����@0����@0����@0����@0�����0�ȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0gȑ0�ȑ0gȑ0gȑ0g "�ȑ0�ȑ0�ȑ0�ȑ0�ȑ0�ȑ0� ��sy`�`�5�ȑ0ȑ0ȑ0�)gȑ0ȑ0����������ȑ08� ����:��1����x1�1���1��@� @���������h ��0�( � ����0�( � ��b �s ���� ?��� �.]�_��.]�#�.]�7��.]�ϟ�.]���.]e^_bcfgosuw������������ 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