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(nmet91) 58.a.idea b. way c. path d. plan 59.a.do b. win c. work d. act �s-n�v yy �la0r �n �_'} _ ��^�� �n ‰ wh�o�n�md�'} _0>f6q � yy @b�^���v/fn�y�md�'} _�v�e�l058���v �y�-n ��s gway g�e�l�va` ��e�u/fgsot{hh0'}�c@w�vn�s݋/f yy�_�[ �ُ*n�e�l * ��  �e  " �r n��r ���r ���r �� �r ��l�r ���r �,?�r �r jr j  �e             ! 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